E74 AITH ZUILT ÓN attow »GE. to save. A christian beholds the Son of God coming from thE' dead, with this message to him : " I am able to deliver from death those that believe in me ; to keep their souls safe in my hand, and to raisetheir bodies up to lifeeverlasting: For, behold, I wasdead, and am alive; and livefor evermore. Amen. Rev. i. 18. Or shall I rather say, that the miracles of Christ Were the testimonies which the Holy Spirit gave to the mission of Christ, the Son of God ? For they are sometimes in scripture ascribed to the Spirit; Mat. xii. 28. I cast out devils by the Spirit ofGod. Andone of the three witnesses in heaven to the gospel of Christ, is the Spirit of God ; 1 John v. 6, 7. It is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. That Spirit and power by which he opened the eyes of the blind, made the lame to walk, and the dead to rise, does effectually attest his- power to take care of these that are intrusted with him : For these wonders were wrought with a design to confirm this doctrine ; and upon this account Christ is said to be justified in, or by the Spirit ; 1 Tim. iii. 16. His commission was sealed, and his authority attested by thesemighty works of the blessed Spirit. Thus thebeliever has a threefold witness from heaven, to give him the knowledge of Çhrist, and to confim his faith ; and this isabundantly suffi- cienttojustify his trust in' Christ Jesus. But he has many other witnesses also to the same truth s He.can call all the holy prophets andsaints since theworld began, to bring in their witness, who told ofthe power of Christ to save, in dark speeches, when they lived in this world, and now find themselves safe in his hands in the world of light. A believer can call thenoble company of apostles, theholy army of martyrs and confessors, to attest the- same doctrine; who, through terrible temptations of Satan, and the wrath of man ; who, through fires and waters, and many deaths, have committed their souls to his divine keeping, and found them in safety beyond the grave. The believer can add the testimony of all his fellow-saints sow living, whó, byventuring their eternal, concerns into the hands of Christ, aàve found safety and rest, strength against sin, and peace of conscience ; divine joy, courage against sufferings, and triumphs in the midst of dangers. Theyall with one voice cry out, Notunto ourselves, but to tisi, name be all the glory, for thy grace has kept us since we committed ourselves unto thee; and not one of us is lost; and we continue to trust our all with thee till the great day ; andwe are assuredof safety, though our dangers are infinite." You seehere whata rational and solid foundation a christian has for his knowledge of Christ, and his faith in him. It is built upon testimonies so numerous, so credible) and so divine ; well