DISCOURSE IX. 275 might the apostle say, Iknow whom I have frosted : And he be- comes a witness to us even to the end of the world, to direct souls to the same refuge. When a sinner is awakened to see hír dreadful guilt, and danger for eternity, and is making earnest enquiry, what shall I do for my soul ? Where shall I trust it, that it may be kept safe for ever ? Let Ws eye be directed to this able and all-sufficient Saviour, by so long a train of witnesses, and the Holy Spirit with them, and he can nolonger doubt whi- ther to apply himself, or to whOse hands he should betrust his eternal concerns. II. The knowledge that a believer has of Christ's ability to save, arises not only from the witness of others, but from his own inward and sensible experience. The apostle speaks here not as a young believer, but as one that had known Christ long, had long trusted him, and gaineddaily confirmations of his faith, as was hinted before. Though a sinner at first is drawn to Christ by the report that is made ofhim by others, either by his educa- tion, byreadingor hearing the word, or by holy conference ; yet afterwards he grows up to an establishment andassurance of faith by the sweet experience he has had of what Christ has done for him ; and he saith to the minister, and to his fellow Christian; and to the apostles, and the prophets, as all the neighbours said to the woman of Samaria ; John iv. 42. Now we believe, not merely because of thy saying; for we have heard him our- selves, and knete indeed that this is the Chrii,t, the Saviour ofthe world. I am well satisfiedthat it is from this sort ofknowledge, as well as the former, it is from experience as well as faith, that so many saints have been able to assume the'words of my text, and to triumph in the approaches of death. For though they may have learned the knowledge of Christ, and his ability to save, and that from their earliest youth, by the pions instructions of their parents, by the ministry of their teachers, and much converse with the holy scriptures, yet. they have a more large and confirmed knowledge of Christ, from the many sensible effects of his love and power upon their souls, and from their constant converse with him by meditation' and prayer, both in their secret retirement, and in their daily walk with God. They can say from a sweet and rich experience, perhaps from their youngest years, and downwards, to maturerage, I know whom I have believed. as I know my conscience was burdened with guilt, and I could find no relief till I saw the cross of Christ, and carried my . guiltyconscience thither ; the man that hung upon the tree took my burden off, sprinkled me with his own blood, and undertook to secure me from the wrath of God for ever. I know who it was that relieved me from these terrors, and I rejoice in his s2