Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

278 ?MTN BUILT OH I{NOWLBDGL. atonement. I had no righteousness to appear in before apure. and a holy God, and I had ji st reason to dread hispresence as. a consumingfire; but the same glorious person put a complete righteousness upon me, through faith, whereby I canstand before a just God with humble confidence; and I know and adore the Lord my righteousness. L0 My nature was all corrupted, my sins were strong ; I had no power to think or to do that which was good ; and I know whose grace it was that renewed all my nature, that formed my soul to religious thoughts, that set me upon the work of mortifi- cation, and assisted me in those divine labours. I remember whatpowerful seeds of vanity were found in my heart; and if I had not given up the garden to - Christ's keeping, it had been all overrun with weeds, and neither fruit nor flower had ever ap- peared there. When I met with temptations I found myself a very unequal matchfor them ; for I was bynature all weakness; but bythe knowledgeof ChristI have obtained strength : I have often found his grace sufficient for me, and his strength _made perfect inmy infirmity : Iknow by whose power it is that I stand, and I ampersuaded that he that has kept me hitherto, is still able to save me from falling : I have tried his grace so often, and found it sufficient hitherto, that Iwill trust him for what remains. I have committed my soul therefore to his keeping till the day of my death, till the great day of my resurrection. And we who are alive believe concerning those that are gone, that our blessed Lord has fulfilled a great partof his trust ; has introduced their spirits into the presence of the Father, with exceeding joy ; and will fulfil the design of his love, when the deadshall arise to complete glory." Thus I-have endeavoured to make it appear, that abeliever knows so much of the person of Christ, of his qualifications for a Saviour, and his divine commission for this purpose, as to en- gage his trust andconfidence in him : And he obtains this know- ledge by testimonies of 'sufficient evidence; and by his own ex- perience he confirms his faith. Thereflections that attend this subject will compose the next discourse.