DISCOUhSE X. Faith built on Knowledge. Tim. i. 12. I know whom I have believed, and I ampersuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committedtohim, against that day. THE SECOND PART. THOUGH the Redeemer was gone to the invisible world, and St. Paul never knew himwhile he was on earth, yet he was no stranger to him when he wrote this epistle. Christ is unseen to men, but not unknown to, the believer. The apostle was so well acquainted with the person and the commission of Christ, thathe could venture all into his hands to the day ofjudgment; he could look forward to that day with divine pleasure, and re- joicein themidst of present sufferings, upon the assurance of his future safety. From the examplé'of this great and holy man in niy text, I have drawn this observation. Doct. A christian lays a solid foundation for Isis faith and joyful hope in the knowledge of Christ Jesus, inwhom he trusts. Here Ihave shewn at large what it is of Christ that a chris- tian is aquainted with, in order to trust him. Resides the won- drous constitution of this person, as a man, in whom dwells the fulness of the godhead bodily, many glorious and all-sufficient qualifications of a Mediator are found in him. Ye have heard how great and how good, how wise and how faithful, he is ; how well fitted to undertake the salvation of the guilty, because he hath provided an atonement and complete righteousness; how well furnished to take the charge of bringing sinners to a state of grace and holiness, because he bath the fulness of the Spiritin 'him, to communicate to men, in order to renew their natures, and fit them for heaven. I have shewn what a commission he received from. the Father, to undertake the great work of the salvation of men; and thereby as he hath a natural power, so he bath a legal authority to take the charge of souls that are com- mitted to him. O the glorious furniture of the great Mediator ! O the divine commission that gives security to faith ! How hap- pilyare they joined in Jesus the Lord ! and how much doth the knowledgeofthis conduce to abeliever's comfort. I have also shewnat large, in the second place, Ito* a s3