310 EXTRAORbINARY WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. the world of sight before they have left this world of sense, and flesh, and blood; orrather, heaven itself bath entered into their spirits. 3. When christians of the first rankof piety, have been warm- ly engaged inmost lively acts of devotion, in fervent and holy prayer, and they have b.en brought near to heaven in the frame of their spirits, they have had a divine foretaste of the joys of the upper world, and an assurance given them of their own in- terest therein. Daniel hadbeen engaged in fervent and zealous intercession. for the church of' God, when a heavenly messenger was sent toacquaint him, that he wasa mangreatlybeloved; Den. ix. 23.'Or, .. 4. Perhaps the Spirit of God may think it necessary to up, hold some poor weak christians of the lowest rank of understand.. ing, bysomeimmediate impressions of the love of God, when he sees that their love to God is great and- sincere, but they are so unskilled in the exercises of their rational powers, that they hardlyknow how to compare their hearts with the scripture, and passa determinatejudgment on themselves. Suchweak creatures, it May he, could never come to any settled hope or peace, with- ent such divine condescensions ; and especially if they are under some special temptation, Which gives a confusion or darkness to- their thoughts. .Thomas was but a weak believer; he knew not how to build his faith of a risen Saviour on what Christ himself had foretold, or on the testimony of hisbrethren, which were suffi- ciently just, and rational Inundations for his faith : Therefore, in great coudescention to his weakness, Christ appeared to him, and shelved him the print of the nails in hishands, and the wound of the spear in his side ; Uponwhich discovery, Thomascries out Withjoy, my Lord, and nny God. It is possible that other occa- sions may arise in the course df divine providence, wherein the great and gracious God may see it necessary to bestow such peculiar and extraordinary favours on some of his people ; hut there seems to have beep sufficient evidence already given, that some ofthe wise and the learned,. as well as some ofthe weaker rank of christians, have had heavenly experienceof this uncom- toon witness of the Spirit. The third thing I p;oposed,avas to shew how these extraor- dinary favours of heavenmay be distinguished. from the delusions of Satan, and from the mere ferments and fits of vivacity in animal nature, or a disordered fancy. It has been said indeed, though perhaps too rashly, that they who go about toassert an immediatetestimony, will never secure the soul from delusion Satan will soon find artifices to counter - feit this testimony, and bear, witness in the Spirit's stead ; and when w., think .we have the Spirit of -truth to assure us,: