Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

SJR1VIONI.1V, 27 of Christ ! O when shallthat promised hour appear, that " the Lord Jehovah shall be King over all the earth, and there shall be one Lord, and his name one ?" Zech. xiv. 9. Blessed Jesus, hast thou, by thy death, " broken doom that middle wall of partition, that stood between the Jews and the Gentiles? Hast thou reconciled both untoGod in one body by thy cross, and slain the enmity thereby ?" Eph. ii. 16. What wretched creatures are the then to build up new walls of partitionourselves, by in- venting and imposing new forms`of faith andworship, whichthy word has not taught us, and for which it has given us no foun- dation! . What wretched creatures are we, to raise up so many new enmities in the christian church, and support themwith fierce and implacable zeal and fury ! This is to walk as enemies, even to the crossof Christ, and contrary to the compassionate designs of a dying Saviour. One would think, the blood of the Son of God crucifiedsheuld teach us kinder lessons. O when shall all theseenmities be abolished by the over-powering influence of the Spirit of. light and love ? When shall these unhappy walls of partition be broken down, and the whole flock of Christ become one blessed fold under Jesus the universal Shepherd ? When shall we arrive át the " perfect unity of the faith, and maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of love ?" Eph. iv. 3 -13. When 'shall the glory acid beauty of the primitive church be res- tored, where " the multitude of them that believed were of one heart, andone soul ;" 'Acts iv. 32. united in one faith and hope, bythe 'almighty influences of one. Spirit? Come, blessed Re- deemer, comeand accomplish thy own gracious words ofpromise : Let there be one fold and one Shepherd ; and let thy blood and thy Spirit, by which we have access to one God, even the Father, cement all our hearts to each other in such an union as shall never be dissolved. Then shall we join with all the creation in one eternal song, even the song which thy word has taught us : tr Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, to him that sifted' upon the throne, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever i" Rev. v. 13. Amen. HYMN FOR SERMON XLIV. The Doctrine of the Trinity, and the Use of it: Or, Access to the Father, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit. FATHER of glory to thy name, Whose influence brings no near to thee,. Immortal praise see give, And trains us up forheav'n. Who dost an act of grace proclaim, And bid as rebels live. Let men, with their united voice, Adore the eternal God, Immortal honour to thy Son, And spread his honours, and their joys, Who makes thy anger cease, Throughnations far abroad. Our lives he ransom'd wills his own, And dy'd to buy our peace. Let faith, and love, and "duty join. One general song to raise, To thy almighty Spirit he And saints in earth and heav'ncombioe, Immortal glory giv'n, In harmony and praise.