464 CONQUEST OVER DEATH. you shall looltdcathin the face, if ye Lave not begun to wage war with sinand Satanbefore ! How dreadful to have many enemies at once assaulting you! the lusts of your own heart, raging de- sires after the enjoyments ofthis world, the horrors ofconscience, the buffetipgs of the devil, and the pangs of death. What will ye do in the day of such a visitation ? And remember, that hough death be the last enemy of the saints, it is not thus with sinners ; it does but transmit them into the world of damned spi- Tits, where enemies multiply upon them, and grow more outrage- ous. Besides the bitter anguish of their own conscience, they bave the wrath of God whom they have long provoked, and the malice of evil angels their tormentors, to conflict with to all tore- siity. But we hope better things of you and things that accompa- ny salvation, thoughwe thus speak ; He)). vi. 9. ILWhat divine comfort is there in my text for aged chris- tians and dying saints, who hare been watdhful and vigorous in their warwith sin, and gained many victories over this worldand Satan, who is called the God of it ? What a delightful view such persons have, when upon the borders of life! Bear up. with divine boldness ye heirs of glory, for you have but one adversary more to fight with : Let your faithand patience and holy courage hold out a little longer, and victory and triumph are yours ihr ever. There is no enemy lies inambush behind' the tomb; when you have passed the bars of death, you are out of the reach of all adversaries. Beyond the grave, thecoast is all clear for ever : The country flows with rich and uutasted pleasures ; every in- habitant is an inward friend, and peace, and joy, and love smile in every countenance. Will anold saint complain that he finds many infirmities attend his age, that his senses are feeble, that his eyes are 'dint, that Satan now and then arises from hell,-and casts a gloom and darkeness aroundhis soul, and buffets himsorely in that darkness ? Will he complain that hisnatural spirits are hea- vy, that the world is troublesome to him, andeverything in life painful? Methuutksit is a consolation equal to all these sorrows, that he isjust entering into the last field ofbattle ; the last hour of con- troversy is begun ; a few strokes more will decide the strife, and malee him an eternal conqueror. Behold i come quickly, saith our Lord, holdfastthat which thou hast gained, that no man take thy crown ; Rev. iii. 11. Sect. III.The destruction ofdeath:The third thing we are to enquire, is, how death is destroyed, and what are the steps or gradual efforts towards its destruction. The person that has this honour put upon him to subdue this universal tyrant is our Lord Jesus Christ ; so the words inform us all around my text. Though his mediation for sinners was sufñ- cient to have prevailed with God to destroy death at once, yet it was agreedupon in the sternal-counsels, that for wise ends and