Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

372 'CONQUEST OVER DEATH'. pious mother led the way to heaven but a few clays before the pious daughter followed, each of then the parent of a reputable family, and the descendants from a progenitors, whose name is in honour among the churches. As mutual affection joined their habitations in life, so the care of surviving friends has laid them to rest in their beds of earth together. We trust they are also joined in the world of blessed spirits on high, and they shall be joined again in the worldof glorified saints inthe morning of the resurrection. Death their common enemy has taken them both captives together ; has bound in his chains the mother and the daughter : but they are prisoners of hope, and together they shall obtain a glorious release. I would copy a line from that most beautiful elegyof David, and apply it here with more justice than the psalmist could to Saul and .Jonathan, 2 Sam. i. 23. Lovely and pleasant were they in their lives, and in death they were not divided. Silent were they, and retired from the world, and unknown except to their intimate friends : But Godwas a witness of their hours of divine retirement. The graces of christianity, and the virtues of do- mestic life, which are the proper ornaments of the sex; were the mark of their utmost aim and ambition : nor did they seek the flatteries of the court, or the city, nor affect the gaieties of a degenerate age. Humble they were, and averse from public skew and noise ; nor will I disturb their graves by making them the subject of public praise. In the hearts of their families, tlteit memory, their image, and their examplewill live. O may the brightest and best part of their image and example live in the characterand practice of all that are left behind ! What a dreadful and overwhelming thought isit to suppose that any of that honouredand numerous household should be divided asunder at the last day ! Give all diligence then, my worthy friends, to makeyour calling andyour election sure ; de- vote yourselves to the God of your predecessors ; trust in the same Saviour ; tread in the same paths of holiness ; and pursue the same glory. What ajoy will it be to that pious lady that is gone before, to find, that those that were dear to her as her own soul have overcome sin and death, and in a blessed succession arrive at the same heaven? Let me intreat you to giveher this satisfaction, and netdisappoint lier prayers and her hopes. Let your venerable survivingparent, who is now confinedat home tinder sorrows and sharp pains, obtain this pleasure. Let that dear partner of her joys and cares behold the power of religion appearing and reigning in all your hearts before his eyes are closed in death, , Giveboth of them this consolation at the ap- pearance ofChrist, that they may say, "Lord, here we are, and Charles. Fleetwood, .Esq. of Norfolk,