Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

DISCOURSE I. 373 thechildren that thou hast givenus. Here we are with our an- cestors, and our offspring, and our kindred around us, adoring thy rich grace together, and entering together into the state of perfect glory which thou hast prepared." It remains only that I should propose, some reflections on the last head of discourse for the meditation of this whole assem- bly, and especially for those that are engaged in the spiritual warfare, and proceed to daily conquests. Shall deaths, with'ali its attendants, be destroyed for ever? And are these the blessings that shall succeed ? Thenenter into thisjoy before-handby a lively faith, and begin the song of tri- umph O death, where's thysting, Q grave, where is thy vic- tory ? 1 Cor. xv. 55.' Rejoice not over me, Omine enemy, when Ifall I shall arise; Mie. vii. S. After you have fought many battles with Satan, subdued many sins, and encountered a thousand temptations with success, perhaps you find new adversaries still arising ; look forward then to this joyful hour, and say, " But I shall one day be for ever free from all these toils and labours Of war, for all my enemies shall be overcome, since death the last of them shall be subdued." When you feel the infirmities of this mortal body hang heavy upon your spirits, and damp your devotion, read the words of this' promise, and rejoice; " These pains and these langours of nature shall one day vanish and be no more; for death, with all its train, must be destroyed." When some ofyour dearest friends are seizedby this tyrant, and led away to the grave in his chains, while you are wounded to the very soul, "remember, that Christ your Captain, and your Saviour, shall revenge this quarrel upon your last enemy ; forhe has appointed the hour of his destruction. Mourn not therefore for the dead, as those that sorrow without hope, for those that sleep in Jesus, theLord shall bring with him when he comes ; 1 Thess. iv. 13. And he shalljoin you together in a blessed and durable friendship where it shall be eternally impossible for enemies to break in upon your peace ; for death, the last of them, shall bethen destroyed. And the Lord has left us this comfort in the end of his sacred writings, Surely I come quickly. Let eachof us with a chearful heart reply, even so, come, Lord Jesus. Ante*. A a $'