Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

' HAPPINESS OP SEPARATE SPIRITS. ofthe Revelations, as well as the churches oftheir brethren, the saints on earth. 1 freely allow immediate divine worship to take up it good part of their everlastingday, their sabbath; and therefore I sup= pose Cheri tobe often engaged, millions at once, in social worship; and sometimes acting apart, and raised in sublime meditation of God, or in a fixed vision of his blissful face, with an act of secret adoration, while their intellectual powers are almost lost in sweet amazement : Sometimes they are entertaining themselves and their fellow-spirits with the graces and glories of theman Christ Jesus, the Lamb that was slain in the midst of the throne: But at other times they may be making a report to him of their faithful execution of some divine commission theyre- ceived from him, tobe fulfilled either in heaven or on earth, or in unknown and distant worlds. There may be other seasons also when they are not imme- diately addressing the throne, but are most delightfully engaged in recounting to each other the wondrous steps of providence, wisdom and mercy, that seized them from the very borders of hell and despair, and brought them through a thousand dangers and difficulties to the possession of that fair inheritance. When the great God shall unravel the scheme of his own counsels, shall unfold every part of his mysterious conduct, and set before them the reason of every temptation they grappled with, and of every sorrow they felt here on earth, and with what divine and succes- 'ful influence they all wrought together to train them up for heaven, what matter of surprising delight and charming conver- sation shall this furnish the saints with in that blessed world? And now and then in the midst of their sacred dialogues, bya sympathyof soul they shall shout together in sweet harmony, and join their exalted songs to him that sits upon the throne and to the Lamb.' " Not unto us, O Lbrd, not unto us, but to thypower, to thy wisdom, and to thine abounding mercy, be renown and honour to everlasting ages." Nor is it improper or unpleasant to suppose that among the rest of theircelestial conferences, they shall shew each other the fair and easy solution of those difficulties and deep problems in divinity, which had exercised and perplexed them here on earth, and divided them into little angry parties. They shall look back with holy shame on some of their learned and senseless dis- tinctions, andhe readyto wonder sometimes what trifles and im- pertinences had engaged them in dark and furious disputes. Darkness and entanglement shall vanish at once from many of those knotty points of controversy, when they behold them in the light of heaven : And the rest of them shall bematter ofdelight- ful instruction for superior spirits to bestow upon those of lower rank, or on souls lately arrived at the regionsof light. In short,