4 HAPPINESS 'Or-SEPARATE sf'ra1TS. world ; but let the world know that you dare be religious; and profess universal piety in a'degenerate age. Let those that honour the memoryof your parents, and love your souls, rejoice in yourpublic christianity. Let them know, that there are the foundations of heavenly glory laid withinyou all, and the blessed work begun on earth, that shall surely be made perfectamong the spirits ofthejust in heaven. And methinks I would not have you contented with the lowest seatthere ; but stir up yourselves to a most unweared pur- suit of holiness in the sublimer degrees of it. And thus labour- ing in theChristian race, contend for someof the brighter prizes, some of the richer crowns of glory. Be not satisfied to sit at a great distance below your parents departed, evenin the heavenly country : But strivewith a holy ambition that you may come near them, that the whole family together may arrive at some supe- rior degrees of blessedness. And O may divine gracegrant me the pleasure tobeawitness to your exalted stations, and to wor- shipand rejoice amongst you there ! Amen.