SECTION XXI. 480 rents andsuperiors, and the practise of thosethings which expose Hs to just infamy or punishment among men. But the fear which I speak of in this place, is an unjust and unreasonable fear of any creature whatsoever, or of any occur- rences of life : It is a timorous spirit, which subjects the whole nature to the power and tyranny of the passion of fear, beyond all reasonable grounds : As for instance, a fear of being alone, orin the dark, a perpetual fear of evil accidents by fire or water, in' wicked men; a disquieting fear of ghosts ,and apparitions; of little inconsiderable animals, such as spiders, frogs, or worms; unreasonable and anxious fears of the loss of estate or friends ; fear of poverty or calamity of any kind, whereby we are too often restrained from our present duty, and our lives are made very uncomfortable. All manner of fear becomes irregular, when it rises to an excessive degree, and is superior to the dan- ger. Now to arm ourselves against this tyrant-passion, let us make use of the following directions : 1. Abate your love to your flesh, and this mortal life, and to all things that belong to it ; then you will not be so much afraid to lose them. Lay up your treasure and your hopes in heaven, where there is no danger of being deprived of them. 2. Never rest without some comfortable hope of the love of God. If you are his favourite, and under his protection, you need fear nothing. Remember that all creatures in heaven, and earth, and hell, are under his power and supreme government; they can go no further than he permits them, nor can they hurt a hair of your head without his leave. And if he suffers calami- ties to fall upon you, he can make them turn to your unspeakable advantage. Say with David, " At what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee; and, I will not fear what flesh can do against Sze;" Psalm lvi. 3, 4. 3. Acquaint yourself with Christ Jesus, the Son of God, into whose hands all things are delivered. He hath subdued even the powers of hell to his dominion, and they are all kept in his chains. Commit yourself daily to his care, both your soul and body, for time, and for eternity: He makes and maintains our peace with God, and he guards us from enemies and dangers, and devils. We are safe in his hands. 4. I-Iave a cafe of contracting new guilt, by indulging sin of any kind, or by the neglectof duty. Guilt is the chiefest and the justest cause of fear ; for if God be angry with you, then you have no sufficient security or defence from the injuries of the creatures, which arebut the instruments of his providence in a wayof punishment or mercy. If therefore theevil you fear be probably the effect or conse. quent of your own sinful conduct, humble yourself before God, and repent, and seek pardoning grace; and walk humbly and