503 DOCTRINE OF THE PASSION$. scornful. Prov. xxiv. 9. The scorner is anabomination to men.- Prot. xix. 29. Judgments are prepared for scorners. Prey. xvii. 5. 'Vlroso tnocketh thepoor, reproacheth his Maker. Ag<,jzst malice and envy. Rom. xiii. 9. Love your neighbour as yourself: Eph. iv. 31. Let all bitterness, and wrath,and evil-speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. 1 Cor. xiv. 20. In understanding be ye men, but in malice be ye children. 1 Pet. i. 22. Love one another with a pure heart fervently. 1 John iv. 20. Ifa man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar. Job v. 2. Envy slayeth the silly one. Prov. xiv, 30, Envy is the rottenness of the bones. Gal. v. 26. Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one ano- titer ; for hatred, wrath, strife, variance, envyin.'gs, &c. are all works of tlzeflesh, v. 20, 21. Against excessive love of creatures. Mat. x. 37. He that ' lovetitfat her or mothermore titan me, is not worthy ofme. 1 Cor. vii. 29, 30. The time is short : It remaineth therefore, that they that have wives, be as though they had none ; and they that buy, . as though they possessed not. Col. iii. 2. Set your affections on thingsabove, and not on things of the earth. 1 John ii. 15. Love not the world, neither the things which are in the world : Ifany love the wo. ?d, the love of the Father is not in him. Against immoderate and sinful fear. There is scarce any prohibition in all the bible, more frequently repeated, than " fear not." Ísaiah's prophecy abounds with this caution. Chapter xli. 10. Fear not, I am with thee : Be not dismayed, I am thy God. Isa. 11. 12, 13. I am he that comforteth you ; who art thou that thou art afraid of a man that shall die, and ofthe son of man, that shall be made as grass, andfórgettest the Lord thy Maker ? Ps. xxvii. 1. The Lordis my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear ? TheLord is thestrength of my life, ofwhom shall I be afraid ? Luke xii. 4. Fear not them which kilt the body, but after that can do no more. Ps. xxvii. 14. . Wait on the Lord, be ofgood courage, and he shall strengthen thy heart: Rev. xxi. S. The fearful and unbelieving shall be cast into the lake offire and brimstone. against excessive sorrow. 1 Cor. vii. 30. Let those that weep, be as though theywept not. 2 Cor. vii. 10. Wordly sor- row worketh death. 1 'Tess. iv. 13. Sorrow notfor the dead, as others which have no hope. Prov. xv. 13. By sorrow of heart the spirit is broken. Phil. iv. 4. Rejoice always in the Lord, and again I say, rejoice. The book of Psalms, is so rich a treasure of divine supports and reliefs under those two disquieting pas- sions of fear and sorrow, that there are fewpsalms without some of these consolations. And in the New Testament, Rom. viii. and lieb. xii. are chapters written for the comfort of suffering and afflicted christians.