DISCOURSE L . 323 wrought in my sonl. Do I not love him sincerely, and ahoye all things ? Am I not possessed of those qualifications which are contained and implied in the affectionate and supreme love of God ? Let me run overthem in meditation and self-enquiry. "Have. I not beheld him as the first and the best of beings ?. Have I not seen hirnmost glorious in himself, and worthy of the highest esteem and love ? Am I not deeply convinced and firm- ly persuaded that he is the only all-sufficient good ? That he is theoverflowing spring of grace and blessedness.? Have I not been taught to see the vanity and emptiness of all things beneath ándbesides God, and that without hirn I can never arrive at true happiness ? Has he not the most transcendant place in my esteem ? Yes, O Lord, through thy grace, I can say, the crea- tures are nothing in comparison of thee; nor can any thing ap- pear in my eyes more lovely and more desirable thanGod andhis love. as Agaifi : Have I not been invited and raised by the grace to some humble hope of thy favour ? Hast thou not revealed thyself, in thy word, as a God condescending to be reconciled to sinners, willing to be reconciled to me ? As a God willing-to make creatures happy, even every creature that desires to centre itself in God, and take up its rest in him : O that sublime, that most excellent, that supreme being, the holy and blessed God ! Howmerciful ! Howcompassionate ! Have I not seen him in his word descending within the reach of my hope ? And have I not rejoiced to think that he gives me leave to hope in him, as an eternal portion for my soul, and that lie holds out the arm ofhis love to receive me. " May I not proceed yet further, O my God ? Has not any will been drawn powerfully toward thee, and made choice of thee asmy everlasting good ? Have 1 not turned my back upon creaturesat thy call, and dividedmyselffrom every thing, that I might be more nearly united to ,thee ? Have I not renounced them all, that I. might be entirely the Lord's? Does not may soul with firm-purpose cleave to thee, as my immortal portion, and my ever -during inheritance ? Yet again, O my Lord, does not my heart sometimesgo out after thee, with most pleasing sensations ? O that I could say it never wandered ; But 1 humbly hope it will never, never beat rest while absent from God. Sometimes likethe needle that is feebly touched with the sovereign influence of the load-stone, it may be drawn aside by other influences, and it is km ready towander from the beloved point : But may I not appeal to thee, O my God, that like the needle, it is ever restless till it point to thee again, to thee, the object of my strongest desire, and my supreme love? " Are not my flesh and spirit with all theiractive powers, under the commandof this divine principle, this holy fire of love ? Does