Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

lISCOt71tSE II. 531 V1. The love of God prevailing in the heart, will awaken zeal and activity, and holy delight, not only in the duties of wor- ship, but in all manner of services for God in the world. Can I do any thing for God whom I love ? saith the christian, That shall be my joyful work. 1 here is no labour or fatigue too much to sustain, no suffering too hard to endure, for the sake of God, who is so supremely beloved. What shall I do to honour the King of heaven, and to render him honourable in the earth? How shall I spread his glory before the eyes of men, who in himself is so transcendently glorious ? and what shall I render to the Lordmy God, for the multitude of mercies which he has con- ferred upon me ? Ps. cxvi. 13. Divinelove will make the law of God delightful in the practice of it, and none of his precepts will be a burden to the affectionate and lively christian ; 1 John v. 3. This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments; and his commandmentsare notgrievous. The soul thatloves Godwill be always aspiring after greater degrees of holiness, because it renders the man more like God : It is commonly said of friendship or sincere love, that it either finds or makes persons like to each other. Love to God is 'an assimilating principle, it works more and more, till we are trans- formed by degrees into his image : And if we are affectionate lovers of God, we shall never be perfectly pleased with our- selves, till we are delivered from the bondage of this sinful flesh, till we awake out of this dull and stupid state, into the world of spirits made perfect, and are there satisfied with the likeness of God. This heavenly delight shall be yet more exalted, when our bodies shall be raised in the likeness of our glorified Re- deemer, and our flesh and soul together shall be made to resem- ble the holy Jesus in greater perfection, who is the first, and the nearest image of God. With what a gust of sacred pleasure does the beloved disciple express himself; 1 John iii. .1, 2. We shall be like him, when we shall see him as he is; and when with Davidwe awake out of the dust of death, we shall see the face of God in righteousness, and be satisfied with his complete likeness ; Ps. xvii. 15. VII. Every thing that offends or dishonours the blessed. God, will be a matter of hatred and aversion to the divine lover : And every thing whereby God has been offended in time past, will be the occasion of shame and grief. I hate vain thoughts, saith holy David, but thy law do I love; Ps. cxix. 113. Sin is the object of constant hatred in all its views, because it is con- traryto the nature, the will,, and the law of God, who is the su- premeobjectof love : The good man is exceeding fearful of doing any thing that may offendor displease his God. When his soul looks back upon his'own sins, he finds abundant matter for sor- row and holy shame, for self-resentment and pious indignation. L12