542 DIVINE LOVE IS TOE COMMANDING PASSION. with pleasure to cross the swellings of Jordan, that they ,may enter into the promised land, and dwell in the city of their God. " What is it, O myheart, what is it in the word hell that strikes thee with so much horror ? Is it the thought ofan endless separation from thy God ? What is it that makes the nameof heaven carry so pleasing a sound ? Is it because thy God dwells there in his fairest glory, and in his richest grace ? The mere dread of hell as a place of sorrow and pain, and the desire of heaven as a mere state of rest from trouble, and of some sort of unknown happiness, are no manner of evidences of any love to God, much less of a supreme love, such as God requires. The passions of nature may be awakened by natural self-love at the views ofheaven and hell, when set merely in this light : But it . is the hope of being for ever with the Lord, that is the chief allurement of heaven in the eye of the sacred lover ; and it is the eternal absence of God gives hell its blackest colours, and its most formidable appearances. " .last thou, O my soul, run over all thy passions in this enquiry ? and what is the result of thy labour ? Canst thou stand this test ? art thou a lover of God with all thy heart ? If thou find this divine principle, this sovereign and holy affection reign- ing within thee, bless the distinguishing grace of God, who has kindled this heavenly flame, and cherish it with perpetual care. Set a guard upon every affection, lest it wander from its duty. O may divine love maintain its rightful dominion, and universal sovereignty in my soul. Let me keep God always near me, and watch against the seducing influence of tempting creatures, that I may ever preserve the love of God in its supreme fervency, and its unrivalled influences : Then my whole nature, with all its powers, shall be thine, Omy God, for ever and ever." Amen.