560 - THE USE OF THE PASSIONS IN RELIGION. When Mir refined affections work in this manner toward God and men, we comeby degrees to delight in all that is holy ; we arrive at the true taste ofreligious pleasures, and make near approaches to the joys of the upper world, where holinessand pleasure are perfect and everlasting. Thus it may be said, that after some general foundations laid in the knowledge of God and ourselves, " Religion begins in fear, it is carried on by love, and it ends in joy." Erroneous and unhappy is that philosophy that would banish these affectionsfrom human nature, which have so powerful an influence on the religi- ous life, and assist our preparation for death and heaven. H. "How happily has the blessed God suited his various revelations in scripture to the powers ofour nature ?" Howwell are they fitted to workupon our affections, and to engage those active powersofthe soul in the interests of religion and godliness ! God himself; by his own methods of address to men, from one end of the scripture to the other, proves the truth of this discourse, and the advantage of the passions in things of religion: IfGod speaks of himself, how bright are the displays ofhis majesty and .grandeur, to awaken our reverence and religious fear ? He is the holy onethat inhabits eternity, who created all things by his word, the Lord oflords, and the King Ifkings : He speaks and the earth trembles, and the pillars of heaven are astonished at his reproof; Job ix. 6. xxvi. 11. He is a God fearful or tre- mendous even in his praises ; Exod. xv. 11. How surprising are the discoveries of his power and knowledge, to raise our won- der ! He ranks the stars in their order, and calls them all by their names, and not onefails to appear at his call, 'Ps. exlvii. 4. His eye surveys all the creation, and knows the thoughts of the heart afar off; Ps. cxxxix. 2. He takes up the Isles as a little thing; Is. xl. 15. He touches the mountains and they smoke; Ps. civ. 32. Who can stand before him, or lift up the hand against him and prosper ? If he manifest the riches of his mercy and goodness, how is thedivine language suited to strike uponall the springsof our hope and love, and, to allure our hearts to him ? How excellent is thy loving kindness, OGod? Ps. xxxvi. 7. In his favouris life, and his love is better than life; Ps. lxiii. 3. He bas magnified his love towards us, and the exceedingriches of his grace, that while we were enemies and rebels, be sent his Son to die, in order to redeemus from death. If he reveal to us Christ Jesus, his beloved Son, in what a glorious light does he place him before our eyes, to command our veneration andhonour, our faith and-our fervent affection ? -He is the brightness ofhis .Father's glory, and the express image of his person ; Heb. i. 3. He was with God before the foundation of the world, for by him the worlds were created ; John i. 3. He