Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

DISCOURSE 1V. 5dg holiness and consolation. O,may all my affections he under the command and influence ofthese sacred writings : and whilerthey give me intense delight, let them animate me to uncommon zeal in the practice of every duty ! " And why should not our ministers in their labours of the sanctuary, imitate their inspired predecessors, the apostles and the prophets, in raising the pious passions of all that hear them ? Why should they not talk to men in such warm and pathetic language as God himself uses ? Doth not the great God, the Author of our nature, know what methods are most effectual to fill our hearts with divine sentiments, to draw usnear to him- self, and prepare us for heaven ? Has he condescended to give us so many glorious patterns of preaching in his word, and shall not all that are employed in the divine work copy out the spirit and fervor, the life and power of these inspired examples ! O may this dull and heavy heart of mine ever enjoy the happiness ofa fervent and lively ministry, that may not only enlighten my understanding, but warmmy heart ! And since God has ordained that I should be instructed in divine things by menof like passions with myself, may those whom providence has appointed to instruct me, be also examples ofpious affection ; that while I see their hearts filled with religious fear and holy love, and joy in the Lord, I may also be smitten with the samereligious passions, may catch theholy fire, and find all the train of sprightly and devout sensations conveyed to the very contrè of my soul ! " Blessed be the wisdom and grace of my God, that has added sensible signs and emblems to the articles of the christian faith. Let me remember, that I was washed with water in the naine of the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit; and let me be ever jealous, lest I defile myself again : And when I attend the sacred institution of the supper, let all the springs of pious pas- sion be let loose, while I view the Son of God suffering for my sins : Le* me feel the meltings of holy sorrow, and the highest and strongest efforts of gratitude and love to that glorious and divine person who gave himself to death for me. G0 Have I heard that youth is a proper season for lively reli- gion, because the passions of nature are then vigorous; Lord, seize all my affectionate powers in this season of youth, and sanc- tify them to thyself. Prevent the influence of the wicked world by the early impressions of thy grace, that I may resist the vain allurements of flesh and sense, by having those sprightly powers of nature engaged first on the side ofreligion. Or if myyears of youth have enjoyed this rich and divine favour, I would remem- ber the early loving-kindness of my God, aid praise his name in my advanced years with joy and thankfulness."