DISCOUBBSE VII. 605 But it is Time now to go on to the next particular : VI. " When you find a devout passion arising in your heart, indulge and cherish it, if there be a convenient season." Take heed that you do not banish the holy thought, or sup- press the sacred affection. Do not immediately plunge your- self, without necessity, into the businesses of life, or an°y: vain . amusements, lest you damp the wing of your holy desires, which would bear you upward to God ; quench not those seeds of divine and heavenly fire, which God has kindled in your souls. When the quickening spirit takes hold of your heart,' take care that you do not refuse to follow him : Resist not the motions of the blessed Spirit, lest he retire grieved, and it may be long ere he return ; 1 'Tess. v. 19. Eph. iv. 30. When the blessed God does, as it were, take you by the hand, and lead yen aside from the world, to converse with himself; when your bles- sed Saviour doth, if I may so express, touch the springs of devo- tion within you, and as it were invite and beckon you to holy fellowship with him, have a care that you do not turn rudely away from him, and renounce his, invitations. Let such sacred seasons, such heavenly moments, be duly valued and improved. Let pious affections be indulged andpromoted, unless plain and necessary business call you away, at that time, to other engage- ments. But if it should happen, that the providence of God and your duty demand your thoughts and your hands to be employed in secular affairs, when you feel a devout passion arising, you may in some measure remedy this inconvenience, by the following advice : VIA. " Endeavour to keep up a constant savour of religion, in the midst of the businesses and cares of this life." While you are travelling through the wilderness of this world, walk always with God : Do every thing in the name ofGod, as under the in- fluence of his command, andwith a design for his glory : And let your soulgo forth often towards him, in short and holy exercises ; this will keep the devout affections awake and active. If you have foundGod in the closet, or in the church, carry him with you into the things of the world, into the shop and the family, so far as a proper attentionto your dailybusiness will permit. Suffer no long intermissions of your heavenly work, lest your pious `affections grow cold. Let your thoughts in short intervals of worshipgo out towards God. Never let an hour pass, ifpossible, without some devout aspirations towards heaven. In the even- ing watches, at midnight, and at the dawn of the morning, the holy Psalmist sent up his, thoughts to God; and he was often breathing out his soul towards him, amidst the affairs of the day ; Ps. lxiii. 6. I will meditate on thee in the night watches ; Ps. xxv. 5. thou art the Godof mysalvation, on thee do Iwait allthe