'O4 AGAINST UNCHARITABLENESS". indulge charity enough to hear or to read what a non- conformist hath written. Presbycolo a christian of the same stamp, heard a sermon lately and commended it above measure, confessed how much light and love was kindled in his heart by it, and bestowed un- usual strains of respect upon the minister; but Presbycolo, said I " This man never had the hands of a bishop, or preaching- elder; laid upon his head to ordain him." At once I saw his colour change, his spirits sink, and he concluded thatall the di- vineaffections in his soul under that sermon must needs be coun- terfeit, " because now I know, said he, the preacher is no minister of Christ." O the wretched influence of this vice of uncharitableness upon feeble and deluded souls! It proceeds so far at last as to make persons scrupulous of attending upon any ordinaìnce,lest the administrator should not be a man exactly of their stamp. Thus their hearts are vexed with everlasting dis- quiet, for they can hardly hear a prayer, or an exhortation, but they find sonic offence in it ; like aman with a thorn in his hand, whatsoever he takes hold of gives him pain, but the cause lies in his own flesh. There are other instances of this kind to be met with in the world. Nitidelli wears his hair three inches below his shoulders, and it is ever well beautified with powder ; be fre- quently eats of a dish of food where blood is one of the ingre- dients, and he often takes half a pint of red wine to his own share : Ile maintains serious religion at home and abroad : But Censorina cannot join withhim inthe special ordinances of wor- ship. , It is a shame for him, she cries to wear long lair, he is a wine-bibber, and he abstains not from blood ; nor can I be recon- ciled to him upon any terms, unless he retrench.these horrible excesses. But he still goes on careless and regardless of the peace of his fellow- christian, and scorns her little clamours, rather than endeavours, by gentleness and compliance to satisfy orremove them. Now walkest thou not charitably, O Nitidelli, for thou grievest thy sister with thy meat and garments, for whom Christ died: Rom. xiv. 15. But I would fain have Censorina learn also; that the' kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righte- ousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Both of you therefore ought to follow after things which snake for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." Verses 17, 19. Nor is this mischief confined to single persons : It makes a farther progress still, and infects the neighbour and acquaintance. EveryMonday, in the evening, Crites sits at the head of a club that meet together to arraign and sentence the sermons of the foregoing day. " Did you mark, my friends, such an expres- sion under the fourth head ? rt sounded harsh in my ears. Surely the man is not orthodox.; pray acquaint your families of