tSSAYVIII. 221 some instances it may happen that the proposition which is but implied in one text, is nearer the truth than another proposition which seems to be expressed in another place ; which can only be decided by a due survey of the context, and the different de- signs of the writer, and a comparisonof other scriptures. Therefore if we will dispute about these solemn subjects, let our warmest zeal and our sharpest weapons be engaged against those adversaries-of the gospel, who attempt to ruin the found- ations of it : let us contend most earnestly for the defence of what God most obviously and incontestibly reveals ; but our coolest debates, our candour and charity, rather than fierceness, should be employed about the point§ of more dubious discovery: At best we should maintain great moderation so long, till we find the lesser errors spreading like a secret gangrene, and drawing along with them dismal consequences, till they are observed to infect the more substantial parts of godliness, and endanger the vitals and very essence of christianity. If our reverend fathers and brethren have shown a fiery zeal about these lesser errors, I would persuade myself their chief motive was a suspicion of danger and ruin to the gospel itself, in the liberty, in the purity, and in the glory of it, if they should have connived at these lesser mistakes, or treated them with a cold indifference : And it is possible that sometimes they might have reason for their suspicion and their zeal, though it may be confessed, they were but men, and their fervor might sometimes exceed due bounds. But, in general, as to these meaner points, moderation is our duty : Nkhereta we have attained, let us walk by the scone sale, and if any be otherwise minded, God in his most proper season will reveal it also to them ; Phil. iii. 15, 16. It is as if the blessed apostle had said, that those who trust only in Christ and his righteousness, as the ground of their acceptance before God, shall be joyfully received to join their right-hand of fel- lowship with mine; and if they do but pursue holiness sincerely from the plainer motives of christianity, though they are not well acquainted with those most noble principles of it, viz. cotn- munion with a suffering, dying and rising; Saviour as a repre- sentative, pledge andpattern of spiritual dying to sin, and re- surrection into holiness, which are contained in verse 10. yet I will not disturb them about it, but hope God will discover it to them in his time. Yet further, as the great doctrines of christianity and the necessary duties of it, are very much distinguished from the less necessary-points, andthe circumstantials of those duties, by their greater evidence and 'clearness of 'revelation ; so the more sub- stantial parts of the worship appointed in the gospel, may be distinguished from the less important modes and circumstances. 'Solemn prayer unto God, preaching of theword, administration