232 bN DIFFICULTIES IN SCRIPTURE. ture shall dictate, and our exalted reason approve ; but still with the exercise of the same perfect love anddelight among the wor . shippers, and' under the influence ofthe sameSpirit. O thehappiness of that upper region, where all the inhabi- tants are of one mind and one heart ! Every doubt shall for ever vanish, for we shall behold all things without a cloud. In thy light, O Lord, we shall see light and enjoy it ; Pt. xxaii. 7. Every quarrel shall for Over cease, for we shall dwell in the land of harmony and love. Though our capacities, perhaps, may be of different sizes, yet we shall see all divine truths in the same light, and therefore our sentiments, at least in things of import- ance, shall differ no more ; we shall be united to each other in the same band of love, nor can our affections be separated any more for ser : That light and that love springs from the ever- blessed God ; God the Creator codlmunicating himself to all his holy and happy creation, and holding them fast to himself for ever, ió and by that glorious person Christ Jesus his Son and image ; for in himmust all things be gathered together in one, and all thing§ reconciled unto God in him, whether they be things in earth or things in heaven; Col. i. 20. then shall the prophecy of Zechariah be fulfilled, the Lord shall be king over all the earth, there shall be one Lord, and his name one ; Zech. xiv. 9. in the fullest meaning of that expression ; nor shall the saints be distinguished by different parties or denominations, but their hearts and their names shall be all one ; according to those ex- pressions of unconceivable glory, wherein. our Lord describes the things which are truly unspeakable, all the saints shall be one, as thou Father art in sue, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us ; John xvii. 21. O with what pleasure have I Often read, and methinks would be always reading, those words of a great mans`, spoken on the funeral of his fellow-saint. " When death shall have discumbered and set us free from all sorts of distempers, and brought us into the state of perfect and perfected spirits, how delectable will the society be, when all shall be full of divine life, light, love and joy, and all freely communicate as they have received freely! But above all that is conceivable in that other state, howdelectable will the society be inworship, in the una- nimous adoration of the ever-blessed God, Father, ,Son and Spirit ! O the inexpressible pleasure of this consociation in worship perpetually tendered, with so absolute a plentitude of satisfaction in the dueness of it, and the gustful apprehension of what those words import, Worthy art thou, O Lord: Each one relishing his own act with just self-approbation- andhigh delight, heightened by their apprehended perfect unanimity, and that there is among them no dissenting vote. Whence Mr. 11owe's Fuserai Sermon for Doctor Bates.