ESSAY VIII. 233 it cannot be but to worship God in spirit and in truth, must be to enjoy him, and that he is not under any other notion, a satisfying object of our enjoyment, more than he is theobject of our worship." These are beams ofcelestial light for souls to drink in, and tçt live upon them while we are passing onward to these fair mansions through a wilderness of doubts and darknesses. These are words of harmony and love to entertain our ears, and make . us deaf to the noise of a wrangling and disputing world. This is a heaven worth wishing for, while we are travelling to it through this tiresome earth, this unhappy stage of vexationand controversy : To this let us look with eyes ofardent expectation, and thedevoutest wishes of souls : To this let us all aspire and hasten, who have groaned long under our own ignorance, and been burdened and grieved with the quarrels of the christian churches, and whatsoever name or party we have chosen inour divided opinions, let us unite our hearts and voices in this loud request, Come Lord Jesus, comequickly. .Amen.