Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

SECTION II. 261 Jewish worship in the days of Moses and Solomon : But when the term of these ceremonies was once expired, and their great design accomplished in the death, the resurrection and interces- sion of Christ, what names of contempt does the Spirit of God cast upon them ? They are elements ofthe world ; Gal. iv. 3. Yokes of bondage; chapter v. 1. Weak and beggarly elements; chapter iv. 9. The rudiments of this world ; Col. ii. 20. Mere shadows of good things to come ; Heb. x. 1. Cdrnal ordinances mida'z erlt ly:sanctuary ; lieb. ix. 1, 10.. And even when the apostle is speaking of the glory of that dispensation, he calls it the ministration ofdeath ; 2Cor. iii. 7. especially when the gos- pel came in which is the ministration of life. And when he speaks of circumcision, which was the pride and boast of the Jewish nation, and was once the distinguishingmark of God's special favourites, he not only pronounces it . unprofitable, but threatens the Galatians that Christ shall profit them noticing, if they run back to circumcision, and the rites of Judaism; Gal. v. 2. Now ifthe great and holy God lays such a load of contempt on modes of worship, which his own divine wisdom once con- trived, and his own authority established.; if he himself throws upon them such reproachful and forbidding language, when the appointed term of them is expired, can we imagine this holy God will endure forms of worship of the fanciful invention of men, or that he will indulge foolish and sinful creatures, where his own appointments are revealed, to seek his favour by addres- singhim in methods whichhe has not appointed ? This must be a vain attempt, a fruitless labour and a foolish hope. VT. " There are several express scriptures that declare Christ and his gospel, to be the only way ofour acceptance with God ; and therefore, it is in vain for us to hope to attain the crecem of glory if we strive not.for it lawfully, or in these methods of his divine appointment." Several of these scriptures I have al- ready cited under the first general head, where I enutkerated the most fundamental doctrines and duties of the gospel, and proved that, without the practice of them, there was rro-hope. No man cometh to the Father but by me; John xiv. 6. Other foundation can no man lay than what God has laid, that is Christ Jesus; 1 Cor. iii. 11. Though the,nnbelieving Jews have a zeal for God, and Paul himself bore this witness for them, yet they did not attain justifying righteousness, but fell short of it because they did not seek it by faith in the Son of God, but byobedience to the works of the lawof Moses ; Rom. ix. 31. And when our blessed Redeemer shall come inflaming fire, heshall not only pour out his vengeance on them that know not God, but on those alsowho obey not the gospel; 1 Thess. i. 10. It was thecommission which our risen Lord gave to the n3