.01110191,111111 320 A CAVEAT AGAINST INFIDELITY. tocreate your souls anew, and form you to a divine temper You have felt the sweet and constraining influence of the love of a dying'Saviour, and foundyour hearts melted into holy and divine aflisctitins, and impressed with his sacred image : You are become his sincere and devoted servants, zealous for his honour hereon earth, and in somemeasure prepared for his enjoyment in heaven : Eternal life is begun within you, and you have a witness in .your- selves that the gospel is true, even the record God hasgiven et his Son, viz. that eternal life is to be found in Christ, for you have found it in him ; I Johnv. 10. Tie that believes has the witness in himself': and I trust the grace of 'God, who has wrought this glorious change in your natures, and has begun this divine salva- tion within you will carry it on and fulfil it to the lay of the Lord. You have entered in this sacred contest, and are daily striv- ing for the mastery against the world, the flesh and the devil; you have learned the rules that helong to this holy strife, and while you thus go on to strive lawfutltt, you may rejoice in hope and assurance of being crowned You have been early ac.. quainted with the laws of the Christian race, and you have seen the heavenly prize set before you in such a light, as that you are allured to wish and to run for it, as your highest hope and blessedness: You have set your faces toward heaven in the Chris- tian path, and have travelled on thus far in theway of faith, re- pentance and holiness . Hold on your way, maintain your ground; the crown is not far off, the endof all things isat hand; Jesus the Saviour, the Judge, and the Rewarder is at the door ; see tha; no Loan fakeyour crown ; Rey. iii. 11.