Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

381) PREVITE. reading tiresome, and have swelled the volume too- much, Besides, the character of Logisto is an enquiring deist, not a resolved and obstinateunbe- liever; and if he had been represented andsupported in all the windingsand turnings of a sophistical caviller, whoavoids the light, and who would never be satisfied, this wou!tl have thrown Legisto quite out of his character. However, if any of the modern disbelievers of revelation complain that the author has represented them as too fair disputants, as feeling the force of au argument too soon, and as yielding to just conviction beyond what they arein reality, he hopes he may obtain an easy pardon for this sort of injury, from gentlemen who make such high pretences to a sincere search after truth, and a ready submission to the power of reason. As for any-im- provements that are made in this second edition, they chiefly consist in some additional force given to particular arguments, some further illustra- tions of what might appear less evident, and other small corrections inter- spersed through the whole work.