Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

546 TILE SABBATH PCCPCTHAL, &C. a bright cloud, or a blaze of glory behind the cloud, and thus it was put under Cod's own eye and care. These considerations carry some weight in them, though. I mast confess, I do not build any opinion and practice chiefly on the fourth commandment. 4. c4 Consider theactual observanceof one day in seven for christian worship, as appears by the practice of the apostles, and the church, from the earliest days of it, even when the Jewish ceremonies, and their absolute rest, in all the rigours and severi- ties of it, were abolished." This is another probable proof, at least, of the appointment of the christian sabbath by our blessed Lord, to be observed by his church, as I arguedbefore. 5. " The reasonableness, if not the necessity, of such ap poi'.tment, in order to keep up religion in the world, as well as to give rest to the animal bodies of men and .beasts, adds further proof of the morality or perpetuity of it." The seasons of wor- ship which men would have chosen, and even of natural rest which some men would have allowed, would probably have been short and few enough, if God had not always devoted oneday in seven to these purposes. It is evident in common experience, and by observation made upon persons, and churches, and nations, that where no sabbath is observed, that is, where one day in seven is not sepa- rated to God, by a rest from the usual labours of life, and a de- dication to his service, religion is in avery decaying state, and in great danger to be lost. As it is a common confession of per- sons, who fall into the vilest crimes, and are executed by the public justice of the magistrate, that their disregard of the Sab- bath, was the beginningof their guilt and ruin, and made way to all iniquity ; so a careful observation of one clay in seven, for religious purposes, has been the great spring and support of virtue and piety amongst mankind, and the constant guardian of it, in its purity and power. And there is reason to believe, that the nations before the flood, as well as for many ages after it, had not run into such universal corruption, such a forgetfulness of the trueGod, and such vile idolatry, if they had not neglected and lost that one day in seven, which God appointed from the begin- ning, torte observed in memory of the creation of the world by himself, in six days.. O. I know not whether it be improper to acid in the last place, 0° that the spiritual or prophetical signification of the sabbath, or of this appointed day Ma rest and worship, seems to run through every dispensation of God to men." There seems to be an emblematical promise contained in it, that is, a heavenly rest promised by God to man, after his labours and services here -on earth, and' au everlasting day of final joy and worship in his own. presence ; and this both under the covenant of innocency quads with Adam in paradise, and under the covenant of grace