54.S THE SABBATH PERPETUAL, &C. rest from their labour on their Lord's-day, because God has appointedit a' day of worship. And perhaps this maybe one reason why the rest, or release from work, on the Jewish sabbath, was more strict and absolute, as being a ceremony primarily in view, or at least most express and obvious in the command : But in the christian sabbath, or Lord's-day, worship being the primary design of it, no more rest is necessary, than may attainthe best ends and advantages of christian worship*, and that will be such sufficient relief or rest for animal nature, as was designed front the beginning, and made perpetual. The Jewish state, was the childish age of the church, as St. Paul to the Galatians represents, chapter iv. The christian dis- pensation, is its more mature age : Now children are trained up in religion, by being brought early into the public assemblies of worship first to teach them to sit still, and rest from labour, and front play and bodily exercises ; but when theygrow up to mature years, they learn and practise the worship of God in public assemblies. In younger childhood, the chief design of their observation of a sabbath, or their coming to church, is a separation or obstinence from the things of the world : In their growing years, and riper age, it is, that they may honour and glorify their Creator and Redeemer. I confess, this is bùt a similitude, but, it is borrowed fromSt. Paul's description of the Jewish and christian states : yet, to confirm this general remark, I would take notice, that the Jew- ish day for worship and rest is always called the sabbath, which signifies rest The day for christian rest and worship is never called a sabbath in scripture, but the first day, or the Lord's - day, to denote its reference to our risen Lord, and his honour. Here are several questions-which arise on this subject, but I shall only give a brief answer to three or four of them here. Question I. Since it is granted, that at the abolition of Judaism, that paradisiacal or patriarchal command for observing the sabbath in general abides still in force, andsince the seventh day from the creation was 'appointed in the same original com- mand, why does not that abide in force too ? And why is not the seventh day the only true sabbath now, as well as it was in the days of the patriarchs, or from the beginningof the world. Answer I. We can never find with certainty, which is the seventh day from the creation ; and God would never snake it a necessary duty to observe such a day which is impossible to be found out. It is generally granted, that the seventh -day sabbath was lost under the Egyptian bondage, if not for many ages Though worship be the chief design, yet I do not pretend, that actual worshipshould fill up the whole day ; hot the best ends and advantages of wor- si;ip, cannot he obtained, where there innot a day of rest from the businesses and labours of human life, as I have shewn before.