592 THE IIOLt.1'ESS OF PLACES OF wORSHIP; his gracious word ofpromise both to the minister and to the peo- ple, who hope to pay their worship to the great God, ifhe permit, for many following years in this place. Let our prayers then be directed by the divine words of promise. We would pray for all the blessings of Sion cn you, who shall worship God here. That your minister may be clothed with salvation, that he may diffuse the savòur of the name of Christ in this place, with great success ; that his gifts and graces maybe multiplied and increas- ed for your edification, and that his health may be restored and maintained to your great advantageandjoy. We would pray, that souls may be born again, in multi- tudes, in this place : That some may be taken, as it were from Egypt, and from Babylon, from the vile and wicked genera- tions of men, from the persecutors, and the profligate of this world, and may be born into a new and divine life by the word ofgrace, as it is here ministered : That the lewd and drunken, the profane and the vicious, ifany such attend in this place, may be convinced of their sins here, may here be released from the bonds of their iniquities, and return no more to madness and folly : That thecruel and malicious may herebe taught to put on meekness, and gentleness, and love ; and the wrathful andpas- sionate, learn to govern their spirits : That the coveteous'wretch may have his hands released from the greedy gripe of gold and silver, and his heart learn here to despise earthly possessioni, in comparison of the riches of grace ; and may seek after an inherit- ance more glorious, and more durable than lands or houses on earth. In short we should pray that everypart of the gospel of Christ may have its due place in the ministrations which shall be performed here, that grace and duty may go hand in hand ; and that many who are children of wrath, and dead in trespasses and sins, may here be created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works, and made the children of Sion, thesons and daughters of God. We would pray, that thecrown of David mayhere flourish on his head, that Jesus the king of Sion may seea large increase ofhis kingdom, and many souls subjecting themselves to the sceptre of his righteousness, and his mercy, and receive him in every sacred office he sustains for thesalvation ofsinful men : We wouldpray, that the poor may be satisfied here with bread ; that every hungry soul may find something here suited to his sacred appetite and pious desires, may find some word in theministry, to relieve and support him, under every want, to advise and direct him, under every darkness anddifficulty, and to strengthen him under every weakness of mind ; that those who are poor in spirit, andempty and despairing in themselves, may be filled with all heavenly blessings with pardon andpeace, with righte- ousness and grace and holy consolation through Jesus Christ.