Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

DISCOURSE IV. $99 type or figure of the whole invisible church of God, so the ceremonies of their religion, were typical and figurative of gospel times, and spiritual things under 'the great Messiah ; and even many of the common and natural circumstances of action prescribed in that religion, viz, times, places, &c. were also designed, to be types.of evangelical affairs, and heavenly things : therefore it was necessary, that God himself, who only knew all his own future schemes, should prescribe and deter- mine them, that they might exactly correspond, with the great anti- types, which were to be revealed hereafter. God only can appoint types and emblems of his own future blessings : 11e slid not think fit to leave these things to the reason of men, who could not fore-know the glories of the gospel. But the religion of the gospel is not such a typical religions, and therefore there is not such a necessity that circmnstantials should be so strictly prescribed. The instances that prove this are abundant. The high-priest or chief officer in the Jewish church, was particularly described and appointed, with all his characters, and all his garments,- and his forms of officiating in sacred things, because he was an appointed type of Jesus the Son of God, our great High-priest, in his various characters and offices, which offices and characters, only the great God fore-knew and could describe, because he fore-ordain- ed them all. 'The places where the ark, the tabernable, or the temple stood, were the only appointed places, where common sacri- fices were to, be offered, and where God would accept them : Nowthe tabernacle and temple, were types of the human nattFtre of our Lord Jesus Christ, in which God dwells. Christ calls his body a temple; John ii. 19. All our spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise must be brought to Christ, otherwise they will not be accepted of God. The veil, through which we draw near to God is his flesh ; I3eb. x. 20. The Jewish sabbaths and festivals of several kinds, were appointed times of rest from labour, and of paying worship to God ; but these were types of .the rest from sin and guilt, and a spirit of bondage, that believers should enjoy under the gospel by the mediation of Jesus Christ ; I-Ieb. iv. 3, 4, 9, 10. Col. ii. 17. as well as of the eternal rest, that the saints shall enjoy in heaven. Every morning and every evening were ap- pointed times for killing, and offering of the daily sacrifice ; but these wes'e types of the perpetual efficacy and,virtue of the one sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, powerful to atone for our daily transgressions, as if he Was daily offered up afresh. See Iieb. vii. 24, 27. and x. 14. So the morning and evening incense, in the holy place, was a type ofhis 'continual intercession in heaven, which may be collected from various parts of scrip-