62 PREFACE. I hope those who heartily unite in their, sentiments of these great doctrines, which I have mentioned, and maintain a correspondent practice of strict holiness, and dependence uponJesus Christ, our great high- priest, and our sacrifice, will be taught by some of these papers, tolearn the duties ofchris- tian love moreperfectly, agreeableto the original design of the holyfounder of our religion. It should be observed here, that though the chief part of these essays were written at the time which is mentioned, yet there happen to be now and then a few lines and pages, - and some few citations from elder or later authors, which were not all written or inserted at that time. Let it be observedalso, that all the characters, here mentioned, are general and indefinite ; and there is not one character or name, that is now written in these papers, or ever was, that was designed to be applied to any particular person: For the author avoided it with care in all these writings, and in all his reviews of them, that no single person whatsoever should be so particularly described, as to imagine himself to be intended, and much less to be distinguished by any reader. May the divine blessing attend every humble attempt to establish the christian faith, andto confirm and enlarge one- love. Amen.