Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

90 THE FORM OF THE GOSPEL. obedience to the commands contained in it, although those duties are there commanded in perfection, viz. because it is not our obedience to those commands that is the justifying_ righteousness of the gospel, but another righteousness that is given us, that is, a freedom from guilt, and a right to life, when we obey the first great command, viz. believing or trust- ing in Christ. Whereas a proper law requires perfect obedience for justifi- cation The language of every properlaw is this ; Cursed, or condemned, is every one that continneth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them ; Gal. iii. 10. and who- soever shall keep the whole law, and yet (fend in onepoint, he is guilty of all ; James ii. 10. That can be no justifying righte- ousness according to a law, which clothnot arise to the perfection of the command, both for kind, for degree; for continuance, and for every circumstance. But thegospel proposing another justi- fying righteousness to be received, only, byour faith, whether this faith be strong and perfect or no, yet, if it be true, it receives the righteousness, and the believer is justified. Ifa criminal lay hold on a pardon with a trembling paralytic hand, he is as safe from condemnation, as he that with courage and strength reaches out:his arm to seize it ; because it is not his hand, but the pardon Secures him. If an Israelite stung by a fiery serpent could but just look with half an eye to the brazen serpent, he was healed, as well as another that beheld it with strong and steady eyes ; Num. xxi. 8, 9. If themanslayer was never so lame and feeble, yet if he could but reach the city of refuge, he was as secure from the avenger, as he that fled to it with the swiftest feet ; Num. Xxxv. 12. So he that commits his guilty sinful soul to Christ for salvation, though with a feeble faith, and far short of perfection, yet a righteousness is given him ; " the righteousness of God is unto and upon all that believe, for there is no difference ;" Rom. iii. 22. and a weak believer is as secure from hell as a 'stronger, though he cannot have so much present evidence or comfort : And the reason of his safety is, because his believing is not his justifying righteousness, but is only a means to attain it. This is my present best set of thoughts upon this subject ; and though I have copied them all from the wordof God, so far as I have been able to understand the meaning of it, yet some subtile disputer may arise and tell me, he could embarrass my scheme with so many objections, and press it with such powerful difficulties, as are far above my skill to solve, and so constrain me to renounce it. If this disputer can shew me that any part of it is con- trary to scripture, I renounce it freely ; but though he might perplex it with difficulties, which I could not easily answer,, yet I would not merely for that reason be bound immedi-