Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.4

154 me OFFICE or DEACON'S. such work, as exhortation and prayer. , Philip and Stephen, who were two of the first seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem, were preachers of the gospel. Compare Acts vi. 5.. with verses 9. 10. and Acts viii. 5. And in the account whichSt. Paul gives us of deacons in my text, all of then have such an honourable encouragement of arriving at higher degrees in the church, as gives us, reason to suppose they were sometimes employed in some ministerial services relating to the spiritual state of the poor, as well as their temporal necessities. And yet it must be still granted, that the original design of the institution of dea- cons, was to assist the pastors in the ministration to the necessities of the poor, and distribution of the monies which were collected for this purpose, and not to preach the gospel publicly, though the first deacons having extraordinary gifts, were often so em- ployed. III. The third thing, in the text, is the encotmágement given to the dueperformance of a deacon's office. It is said by the apostle, they purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus." The late reverend and learned Doctor Owen believes this xaxß ifa6y<ß-, or good degree and corfidence in thefaith, to sig- nify nomore, but a place or seat of some eminency in the church assemblies, whichis due unto such deacons, wherewith boldness and confidence they mayassist in the management of those affairs of the church which belong unto the profession of the fails which is in Christ Jesus; but he adds, " If any shall rather think, that both of those expressions do signify an increase in gifts and grace, which is a certain consequence of men's faithful discharge of their office in the church wherein many deacons of old were eminent unto martyrdom, I shall not contend against it." Others think that xa74)., ga0p.S., or good degree, signifies the 'office of the presbytery, which they obtain by a due perfor- mance of the office of a deacon. If I might give my conjecture, I would explain it these two ways : 1. They obtain a good degree of honour and respect from the elders, for the assistaiíce which they give them in church affairs ; from the poor, for their compassion and tenderness to- ward them, and supply of their wants ; and from the whole church, for their fidelity, wisdom and diligence in the manage- ment of all the temporal affàirs that relate to the church, for the honour of the gospel, and conveniency of the members. -2. By conversing much with the elders of the church, by acting in con- cert with them, by visiting the poor, aid performing private christian services towards them, such as exhortation, consola- tion, and prayer, and by a constant acquaintance and observa- tion of lurch alfisirs, they acquiregreater knowledge, they im- prove their gifts and their graces, they .grow bold to speak of the