Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.4

156 VIE OFFICE OF DEACONS. for Christ and the church, have their rewards annexed to theti3 for their encouragement in this world, besides the infinite recom- pence of reward in the world to come. Faithful deacons in is church, obtain agood degree of honour and esteem. IV. From the deacons of a particular visible chagch, we may raise our thoughts unto 'our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the great minister ; and bishop of souls; and I may call him too, the great and universal deacon of. God 'the Father in the church in- visible. The Father has given -into his hand the riches of his grace, the-treasures of his love,- divine food and spiritualclothing, mansions of glory and inheritances in light ; to be distributed amongst his poor saints, that they may be nourished and brought through this wilderness, and that they may be enriched .with grace, be brought home toheaven, and be-for ever blessed. He is diligent and faithful, he is wise, and gentle, and. compassio- nate, and answers all the characters of a deacon in the highest degree. He spreads a table for starving sinners, and furnishes it with his oren flesh and blood ; he feeds us with the bread-of life, and with living water, that we may eat, and drink, and live fbr ever. And in this sense, when the deacons are serving tables,' and supplying the wa?ts of the poor, and the church visible, out of what is trusted with them ; let them remember and rejoice, that they represent the character of our Lord Jesus, as he is en- trusted with all supplies from the hands of the Father, and dis- tributing unto the church invisible. Tohim let the eyes ofyour faith be lifted for wisdom, for gifts and grace, to manage the affairs whit which you are entrusted, and he shall fulfil the pro, mises of a large reward. Amen.