a 22á PREFACE. around them by earlycorruptions of the faith, and by the controversies of succeeding ages ; and these stand in need of some further light to dissipate that darkness, and restore them to their primitive perspicuity. Whether any of my attempts or labours here shall be successful for this end, must be en- trusted with the jndgment of the reader, and the providence of God. And now T have proposed these thoughts to the world in hope to clear up some difficulties in our holy religion, and to shew how far our own reason may support what scripturereveals : I leave all with the public, and shall not b'e solicitous to support all these sentiments, or to vindicate these proposals. If any person can derive any degree of light toward hissatisfaction from these papers,' I shall rejoice with him. Let every one chose what he likes, and , neglect the rest. I will not persuade any man to be of my opinion till he sees reason tin- it; and whensoever I see reason, I shall change them myself. Our best - concerted schemes have their imperfections, and therefore I dare not assume certainty in matters of doubtful' disputation : Nor do I assert ór affirm several things which I have here written for I know myself a weak falliblecreature, and it is no wonder if I shouldfall into mistakes. I should be glad to see a safer and more consistent scheme on these subjects proposed to the world, which may rectify all the errors of this book with convincing evidence, and scatter our darknesses like a risingsun. To "cavil at particular thoughts or phrases is much easier than toform a perfect hypothesis. Butit is the prerogativeof the great God only to pierce through allhis own infinite schemeswith an unerring eye, to surround them with an all-comprehensive view, 'to grasp them all inone singlesurvey, and to spread a reconciling light over all their immense varieties. Man must yet grapple with difficulties in this dusky twilight; but God in his time will irradiate the earth more plentifully withhis light and truth ; then darkness andcontea. rions shall fly away forever. Hasten, O Lord the happy day. Amen.