34 A CI1RISTIAN CIICRCIr. a hundred ceremonies of his own institution, and give the fancies of men leave to invent a new scheme of ceremonial worship at their own pleasure, and impose new-invented rites upon their fellow. christians ; especially when, we are required to stand f fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has now made unfree, and not be entangled with yokes of bondage ; Gal. v. 1. What a strange medley of superstitious and ridiculous fooleries would be intro- duced into christian worship, if the elders or rulers in any ages of the church, might invent ceremonies at their pleasure, and impose them on the people? The church of Rome, by this means is become a theatre of Jewish and heathen pageantry, to the great dishonour of God, the reproach of christianity, and the hazard and ruin of the souls of men. It will be replied here, but is not some power of rule and government still given to judges in a nation,. and to magistrates in a city, notwithstanding the unhappy consequences which may arise from the abuse of tisis power. The abuse of authority does not prove there is no such authority : Even so in churches, the power may be abused ;, yet surely, 'there must be some persons who have power and authority, rule and government, lodged in their hands, even since the clays of inspiration and extraordinary commission ; for- without it every society will run into great disorder and confusion. Pray what is tisis rule Or power of government, which is granted to ordinary minis- ters in á christian church ; and wherein does it consist, if not in appointing such things as-Christ has left indifferent ? To this I answer The rule and government which is committed to ordinary ministers in the church, so far as I can understand it, seems to consist in these things'following viz. in going before the people, and leading the several . parts of their worship, and becoming their example in every duty; in teaching them the principles and rules of their religion; the knowledge, profession, and practice of those doctrines and duties, that worship and order, which reason and naturalreligion dictates, and that which Christ himself has revealed, superadded, and established in his word : It consists in exhorting, persuading, and charging the hearers with solemnity in the name and authority of Christ, to comply therewith ; in instructing the people how to apply thosegeneral principles and rules to particular cases and occurrences, and giving them their best advice ; in presiding in their assemblies, and particularlyas to the admission and exclusion of members: It consists in watching over the flock ; in guarding them against errors and dangers ; in admonishing; and warning, and reprov- ing, with all gravity and authority, thgse who neglect or oppose any of the rules of Christ. But I cannot find, where our bles- sed Lord has given them any power, or pretence of power, to