Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.4

ESSAY III. 451 evident that the guilt of our sins was imputed to Christ, for which he suffered and obtained our pardon ; but the disorder or evil nature and qualities of sin, which are transmitted to us from Adam by natural propagation, can never be imputed to our blessed Saviour, nor transferred to him any way what- soever. Yet to express my charity for all sincere enquiries after truth, I would lay down this conclusion, that if such a sincere, humble and diligent enquirer will neither acknowledge the guilt of sin capable of being transferred to another by imputation, nor the defilement or sinfulness of nature to be conveyed bypropaga- tion, I will notbe angry with him, while he allows what I think the sense of scripture incontestably reveals and maintains, viz. that we justly suffer for the sin of Adam in the providence and righteous government of God, that hereby the children of Adam are born with inclinations to sin, and that Jesus Christ the Son of God was justly " made an offering for our sins, being with his own consent devoted to death for us sinners by God the Father. If christians will but acknowledge the " first Adam was our head," who some way conveyed unto us natural life, sinful incli- nations, diseases and death, according to some righteous divine constitution or covenant, and that " Jesus Christ, the second Adam, was also our better head," who conveys to us spiritual life, pardon and justification, resurrection from the dead, and immortality by a new and better covenant ; and if they practise the faith, repentance and new obedience of the gospel, peace be with them all, and everlasting grace in my sincerest wishes, though they do not subscribeto all my words, nor speak precisely the saine language with me. " Grace and peace be with all those for ever that honestly seek the truths of God, and love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." Amen. F t'w.