SECTION II. 1103 Spirit, or that St. Peter or St. John should tell us, that tre must be born again and made new creatures by the word of God, and by this blessed 'Spirit and its influences ? Were all these doctrines so needful in the primitive days, and attended with such illustrious and divine success, and are they grown use- less and needless now. Let me enquire in the third place, Are all the bearers that make np our public assemblies, so well acquainted with the doc- trines of Christ and thegospel in our day, that they have no need to be taught them ? have they all enjoyed so happy an education from their infancy, as to understand the principles of the christian religion, and the peculiar articles of the faith, which are so ne- cessary to restore sinners to a divine life? Do they so much as know that they are by nature dead in trespasses and sins? And do they know how to apply those vital truths to the blessedpur- poses of godliness? I am sure when we make particular en- quiries, we find many of them ignorant enougli both of them- selves and their Saviour, and they have need to be taught, the first principles of the oracles of God, and the faith of Jesus. Shall I enquire yet further, Is this a day when we should leave the peculiar articles of the religion of Christ, out of our ministrations, when the truth of them is boldly called in ques- tion, and denied by such multitudes who dwell among us ? Is this a proper time for ùs to forget the name of Christ in our pub- lie labours, when the witty talents and reasonings of men join together, and labour hard to cast out his sacred naine with con- tempt and scorn ? Is it so seasonable a practice in this age to neglect these evangelic themes, and to preach up virtue, with- out the special principles and motives, with which Christ has furnished us, when there are such numbers amongst us who arc fond of heathenism, who are endeavouring to introduce it again into a christian country, and to spread the poison of infidelity through a nation called by his name ? If this be our practice, our hearers will begin to think indeed, that infidels may have some reason on their side, and that the glorious doctrines of the gospel of Christ, are not so necessary as our fathers thought them, while they find no mention of them in thepulpit,. no use of them in our discourses from week to week, and from month to month, and yet we profess to preach for the salvation of souls. Will this be our glory to imitate the heathen philosophers, and to drop the gospel of the Son of God ? To be complimented by unbelievers as men of superior sense and as deep reasoners, while we abandon the faith of Jesus, and starve the souls of our hearers; by neglecting to distribute to them this bread of fife which came down from heaven ? O let us who are his ministers remember the last words of our departing Lord, Go, preach the gospel to every nation : he that believeth and .