Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.4

03Ó AN HUMBLE ATTEMPT, R.C. selves, by the dearand glorious name of our blessed Jeans, whose servants we are, whose name we bear, whose authority gives us commission, and who bath chosen us to be the ministers of his grace, the messengers of hisdying love to the sons of men ; we charge and beseech you to take care of the honour of his name in your ministrations, for we are sent forth to display before the eyes of the world, the unsearchable riches of Christ: we are entrusted to spread abroad the honour of his name; O let us labour and strive that our zeal bear some proportion to the dig- nity of our trust, and let us take heed that we do nothing un- worthy of our great and gloriousMaster in heaven, who dwells at the right hand of God ; nothing unworthy of that holy and illustrious name, in which we are sent forth to preach this gospel, and to enlarge his kingdom. Ile has set us up as lights upon a hill in this sinful world, this benighted part of his dominion ; let us burn and shine to his honour. He has assumed and placed us as stars in his right -hand, let us shine and burn gloriously, that we may give light to a midnight world. O that we may point out to them themorning star, that we may bring them under the beams of the rising sun of righteousness, and guide them in the way to the hills of paradise and everlasting joy ! Fifthly, We beseech and charge you, while we charge our - selves, by the inestimable value of the blood of Christ which purchased this salvation, that youand we display this illustrious and costly purchase to sinful perishing creatures; this precious blood, which is sufficient to redeem a world from death, and which is the price of all our infinite and everlasting blessings, demands that we publish and offer them in his name, with holy zeal and solicitude to sinful men. Oh may our hearts and our lips join toproclaim this redemption, this salvation, these ever- lasting blessings, with such a devout and sacred passion as be- comes the divine price that was paid for them ! Let us not be found triflers with the blood of Christ, nor let us bring cold hearts and dead affections, when we come to set before sinners, the rich and inestimable stream of that life and blood, that comes warm from the heart of the dying Son of God. Let perishing creatures know that it cost the Prince of Glory such a dreadful price as this to redeem them from eternal misery ; and at the same time let our own spirits feel the powerful workings of gra- titude to the divine friend, that bled and died for us, and,let our languagemake it appear that we speak what we feel. Sixthly, We entreat you with all tenderness, and with holy solemnity and fear, we charge you, and we charge ourselves, by the invaluable worth of perishing souls, that we fulfil all our ministry with a concern of heart equal to so important a case. How can we dare to speak with lifeless lips, withcold language, or a careless air, when we are sent to recover immortal souls