270 A PRESERVATIVE FROM SIN AND FOLLY. is right ; honour thy father and thy mother, which is the first commandment with. promise, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Col. M. 20. Children obey your parents in all utiugs, for this is well pleasing, unto the Lord." 29. Q. What is the third-way of' dishonouring your superiors ? A. 3. If I and obstinateand stubborn against their reproofs and corrections. Reason against this sin. Such stubborn creatures have nothing to restrain them from running into the worst of sins, and the greatest of miseries, and there bave beenmany dreadful instancesof it. Scripture. "Prov. xxix. 1. He that being often reproved hardeneth bisneck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Deut. xxi. 18 -21. Under the law of Moses among the Jews, God appointed that, if a man had a stubborn and rebellious son, which would not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them, the men of their city shall stonehim with stones that he die." 30. Q. What are the signs of pride and haughtiness of carriage, which is the next sin against our neighbour ? A. Chiefly these four. 31. Q. What is the first? A. I. If I boast over others, or exalt my- self above them beyond measure, on the account of any thing I possess better than they. Reason against this sin. Because boasters are too ready to forget their de. pendoneo on God, and they are hateful in the sight of men, Scripture. " 1 Cor. iv. '1. What hadst thou that thou dost not receive ?. Why dont thou glory, or boas', as though thou hadat not received it ? Luke wit, 1i. Whoso exalteth himself shall be abased, and he that humbletk himself shall be exalted. 32. Q. What is the second mark of pride and haughtiness ? A. 2. If I am conceited and positive in my own opinion, always contradicting and op. posing what others say, and will have every thing in my own way, where. soccer I have any thing to do. Reason against this sin. Because this is treating our fellows as though we were a higher rank of beings than they ; and besides, the most positive and self- conceited persons have sometimes found they have been in the wrong, and been forced to confess it with shame. Scripture. " Prov. xxvi. 12. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit, . there is more hope of a fool than ofhim. 2 Pet. ii. 10. Theydespise government, presumptuous are they, and selfwtlled." 33. Q. What is the third signof pride and haughtiness ? A. 3. A dis- dainful and scornful eerriage towards others, particularly towards the aged, toward servants, and those that are poor. Reason against this sin. I should not scorn the aged, because I am willing myself to live to beold, and I should not like to be scorned ; besides, the aged i have more wisdom than I : Nor should I scorn the poor, nor sery ante, for they are made of the same flesh and blood as I am, and perhaps they may be better than I. Scripture. " Lev. xix. 32. Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God. Prov, xxiv. 9. The scorner is an abomination to men. Prov. iii. 54. The Lord scorneth the scorners. Prov. xix. 29. Judgments are prepared for scorners." 34. Q. What is the fourth mark of pride and haughtines,? A. 4. When I scoff or mockat persons for what is their unhappiness, and not their fault, whether it be at the poor, or the blind, or the lame, or the crooked, or the miserable. Reason against this sin. Because scoffing is pride joined with ill nature : It is a double crime. Beside, I may fall under any of these calamities, and 1 would sot be wdting others should scoff at me. Scripture. " Prov. xvii. 5. Whoso mocketh the poor, reproacheth his Ma- ker, and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished. 1 Cor. iv. '1. Woo maketh thee to differ from another ?" 35. Q. Having gone through themarks of pride and haughtiness, tell .me now what is immoderate and sinful anger? A. When lam all in a pas-