272 A PRESERVATIVE FROM SIN AND FOLLY. 43. Q. What is the first sort of injustice ? A. 1. To rob, or plunder, or taking away by force what belongs to another. Reason against this sin. Because ifthis were fit tobe practised, the strongest would have every thing, and the weaker would have nothing. Scripture. " Lev. xix. 16 Thou shalt not rob thy neighbour." 44. Q. What is the second sort of injustice ? A. 2. Stealing from - another, or taking any thing away privately that belongs to him. Reason against this sin. Because God sees the thief, though he hide himself from men: and if stealing might be practised, nobody could be sure to possess what God had given them. Scripture. " Ex. xx. 15. Thou shalt not steal, Eph. iv. 28. Let him that stole, steal no more." 45. Q. What is the third sort of injustice? A. 3. Cheating othersof their right by cunning or deceit, or by powerful oppression. Reason against this sin. Because we wouldnot be willing to be cheated or oppressed ourselves. Scripture. " Lev. xix. 13. Thou shalt not defraud, that is, cheat thy neigh- bour. Ps. v. 6. The Lordwill abhor the deceitful man. Lev. xxv. 14. Ye shall notoppress one another." 46. Q. What is the fourth sort of injustice ? A. 4. not paying what is due, or not performing what is promised. Reason against this sin. Because if this sort of falsehood and dishonesty were generally practised, there would be no order, nor peace, no trading nor friendly society among taco. Scripture. " Ps. xxxviii. 21. The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again, Rom. xiii. 7, 8. Render to all their dues s owe no man any thing, but love one another." 47. Q Having done with injustice, we come to enquire what is lying? A. It is speaking that for a truth which we know to be false, and thereby deeeiving our neighbodr. Reason against this sin. Because, if I give myself to lying, nobody will believe mewhen I"speak the truth. Scripture, " Prov. vi. 17. The Lord hateth a lying tongue. Rev. xxi. S. All liars shallhave their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone." 48. Q. ,What is evil - speaking ? A. It is telling any evil stories of my neighbour, even though they be true, and taking away his good name, when I am not called to it by the providence of God. Reason against this sin. Because the tongue that delights in scandal, dis- covers the seed of malice and mischief in the heart. Scripture. Tit. iii. 2. Speak evil of oo man. Ps. xv. I, 3. Lord,who shall dwell in thy holyhill ? he that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 1 Cor. vi. 10. Revilers shall not inherit the kingdom of God." 49. Q. What is slander ? A- When I speak some evil concerning my neighbour which is not true, then I slander him. Reason against this sin. Because this is a double iniquity, for it is evil speaking and lying joined together ; and such a sinner is abominable both to God and man. SCripture. Prov. x. 1p. Ile that uttereth`a slander is a fool. Ps. 1. 16, 19, 20, 22. Unto the wicked God saith, thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit; thou sittest and speakest against thy brother, thou slenderest thy mot'ter's son : consider this, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to .deliver." 50. Q. What- is cruelty or hard-heartedness ? A It appears chiefly in two things. . 51. Q. What is the first mark of cruelty ? A. 1. If I delight to put any sensible creature to pain or grief without necessity. Reason against this sin. This is the temper of the evil spirit who delights to torment men, and I wood not have his image copied out upon me. Scripture. Lam. iii. 63. God Both not sfllict willinglÿ, nor grieve the child- ren of men. G- n. xlix. 7. Cursed be their wrath, for it was cruel. I Pet. v.8. Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whomhe may devour.