290 THE HISTORICAL CATECHISM. A. Partly to keep them from the idolatry and evil customs of other nations, and partly to figure out the blessings of Christ and the gospel ; Levit. xviii. 3, 4, 5. Col. ii. 16; 17. Heb. ix. 1 -14. 48. Q. What were their peculiar laws considered as a na- tion ? A. Such as related to their peace and wars, to their houses and lands,' to their wives and servants, to their life and limbs. 49. Q. Why did God himself give them such particular rules about these common things ? A. To distinguish them from all other nations as God's own people, and to skew that he was their king as well as their God; Lev. xx. 22, 26. Lev. xxiv. 22. 1 Sam. xii. 12. 50. Q. Were the people of Israel obedient to God in their travels through the wilderness? A. No, they sinned grievously against him, and they were often punished by the hand of God, but he would not utterly destroy them; Ps. cv. 43, 45. 51. Q. Who brought them into the land of Canaan after their forty years wandering in the wilderness ? A. Moses being dead, Joshua, whose name is the same withJesus, brought them into the promised land; Josh. i. 5, 6, 11. Acts vii. 45. 52. Q. Did the Israelites behave themselves better when they came to Canaan ? A. No, they frequently fell into idola- try, and worshipped the false gods of the nations round about them ; Judges ii. 11, 12. 53. Q. In what manner did God shew his displeasure for this sin ? A. He gave them up sometimes into the hands of their enemies who plundered them and made slaves of them? Judges ii. 14. 54. Q. How dici God deliver them from the hand of their enemies ? A. When they cried to the Lord he raised up judges who subdued their enemies, and delivered the people ; Judges ii. 18. and iii. 9, 15. 55. Q. What were the names of some of the chief of these judges ?* A. Gideon and Jephthah, Samson, Eli and Samuel. 56. Q. Who governed the, people of Israel after the judges ? A. They desired a king like other nations, and God bid Satiuel anoint Saul to be the first of their kings ; 1 Sam. ix. and x. 57. Q. How did Saul behave himself ? A. He governed well for a little time, but afterwards he rebelled against God; and God removed him; Acts xiii. 20, .21 . 58. Q. What became of Sani at last ? A. Being forsa- ken of God, and being wounded in battle by the Philistines, he fell on own sword and died ; 1 Sam. xxviii. 6. and xxxi. 3, 4. See the Cttalogne of Scripture Names.