THE HISTORICAL CATECHISM. 293 A. At twelve years old he was found talking with the doctors in the temple, but he went home at his mother's call, and was sub- ject to hisparents ; Luke ii. 42, 46, 51. 13. Q. When did Christ begin his public ministry ? A. At thirty years of age he came forth and was baptized by John, who wits sent from God to preach and to baptize with water ; Luke iii. 16, 21, 23. 14. Q. What was the doctrine which John the Baptist preached ? A. He reproved sinners, he preached repentance and the forgiveness of sins ; and he directed his disciples to Jesus as the Saviour ; Mark i. 4, 7, 8. John i. 29. Act. xix. 4. 15. Q. What became of John the Baptist at last ? A. He was beheaded by Herod, at the wicked request of his niece when she had pleased him with her fine dancing ; Mark vi; 17-28. 16. Q. What honour was done to Christ at his baptism ? A The Spirit of God like a dove, descended upon him, and a voice came from heaven, saying, " This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Mat. iii. 17. Luke iii. 22. 17. Q. What became of Christ immediately after his bap- tism ? A. He was fortydays in the wilderness, where he endur- ed the temptations of the devil, and overcame the temper ; Mat. iv. 1 -11. 18. Q. What were the chief parts of the ministry of Christ in his life ? A. These five, viz.* -1. He fulfilled the whole law, and gave us a perfect example of piety toward God, and goodness to men.--2. He preached to the people his divine doctrine which he brought from heaven.-3. He wrought mire- 'des to prove that he was sent from God. -4. Hé chose out his apostles, and trained.them up for their public service. -5. He appointed two lasting ordinances in his church. 19. Q. Wherein did.* give an example of piety toward God ? A. In his constant obedience to God his Father in all things, in his zeal far God's honour among men, and in his fre- quent converse with God in prayer ; John viii. 28, 29, 49. and ii. 17. Mark i. 35. Luke vi. 12. Johnxvii. 20. Q. Wherein did 11e sliew a pattern of goodness toward men ? A. He went about doing good to the bodies and.souls of men, he was full of compassion to the miserable, he took children in his arms and blessed them ; Mat. iv. 23. Acts x:38. Mark x. 13-16. 21. Q. What were the chief subjects of Christ's preaching to the people ? A. These six things :-1, He explained the law * In this as Well as in theChild's Catechism of theprinciples of religion, there are some answers whichare divided into distinct parts by figures, 1, 2, 3, 4. Now in order to make the remembrance of these answers easier to children, the teacher may repeat the question as often as there are parts in the answers. Thus, Q. Which is the first part of his ministry Q. Which is the second, &c.