REMARKABLE NAMES IN SCRIPTURE. sos Aaron, The brother of Moses, and the first high-priest of Israel. Nadah and Abihu, Two priests, the sons of Aaron, who were slain by fire from heaven, for offering sacrifice with other fire than God had appointed. Phineas, A grandson of Aaron, whose zeal against idolatry \vas greatly approved of God and rewarded. Eli, A high-priest and a judge of Israel, who fell down and died for grief, when he heard the ark of God was taken by the Philistines. Abiathar, The high -priest who was thrust out of his office, bySolomon for treason. Zadok, The high priest who anointed Solomon king. Jehoiada, The high-priest who turned Athaliah a wicked woman out of the throne of Judah, and restored the family of David. Joshua or Jeslzua, Thehigh- priest who assisted Zerubbabel in rebuilding the temple of Jerusalem at the return fromBabylon. Ezra, The priest and scribe who,greatly prOmoted the re- storation of the worship of God at the Jews' return. Caiaphas, The high-priest who condemned Christ upon a pretence of blasphemy. SECT. IX.The Twelve Apostles. Simon Peter, The apostle who denied Christ, but repented and wept bitterly. Andrew, The brother of Peter : they were both-fishermen. John, The beloved disciple who leanedon Jesus' bosom at the last supper. James, The greater, that is, the eldea% he was the brother of John ; these two were also fishermen. Philip, The apostle who asked Christ to shew thorn God the Father. Bartholomew, Who is supposed to be the same with Na- thanael. Thomas, The apostle who was hard to be persuaded that Christ was risen from the dead. Matthew, The publican who is called Levi: he wrote the.. gospel of Matthew. James, The lesser or younger, the son of Alpheus, or 'Cleophas; he is called the Lord's brother or cousin. Jude, The brother of James the lesser : he is named Lob- bens and Thaddeus. Simon, Who is called Zelotes. Judas Iscariot, who afterwards betrayed his Master, and hanged himself. Besides these twelve, there wore two or three others, viz.