REMARKABLE NAMES tN SCRIPTURE. 307 were cast into the fiery furnace for refusing to wórship'a golden image, and were not burned. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Jesus Christ, The Son of God, and the Saviour of men. Joseph the Carpenter, The supposed father of Christ, be- cause he married Mary his mother. Simeon, The old man who took the child Jesus into his arms in the temple, and blessed God for shewing hirn the Sa- viour. John the Baptist, The forerunner of Christ, who baptised with water, those who professed repentance. Nathanael, A disciple of Jesus, anda man without guile. Nicodemus, The disciple who came to Jesus by night, for fear of being seen. ZZaccheus, A little man who climbed up a tree to see Christ. Lazarus, The man whom Christ raised when he had been dead four days. Barabbas, The thief whom the ,Jews saved when they gave up Christ to be Crucified.. Joseph of Arimätheat, A rich man who buried Christ in his own sepulchre. Barnabas, A man that sold his land, and becamea preacher of the gospel, and a companion Of Paul. Ananias and Sapphira, A man and his wife, who were both struck dead for telling a lie. Gamaliel, A wise man, and a doctor of the law who was St. Paul's master. Stephen, The first manthat wasput todeath for Christ's sake. Philip, One of the deacons, and a preacher Of the gospel. Simon, called Siinon Magus, A 'sorcerer or conjurer, who thought to buy the gift of the Holy Ghost for money. Blmjmas, , A wicked man, a sorcerer or conjurer, who was struck blind for speaking against the gospel. Silas, or Silvanus, A companion'and fellow-prisoner of St. Paul. 'Timothy, A young preacher of the gospel, who knew the scriptures from his youth. Titus, Another preacher of the gospel, under the direction of St. Paul. Apollos, Awarm and lively preacher of the gospel. Aquila and Priscilla, A man and his wife who assisted the ministers of Christ in spreading the knowledge of the gospel. Philemon, A friend of Paul, at whose grouse Paul hail-ii lodging. Onesimus, A servant of Philemon, who ran away from him to Rolne, and was there converted byPaul.