828 ?RAYERS ton CnILDREN. times, nor can darkness hide us from thine eyes. " Fourthly, If I adore God on the account of his holiness and justice, I say, "'I`hou art most holy in thy nature, and hatest all sin. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity with approbation, and sinners shall not dwell with thee. 'Thou art a just God, a righteous Governor, and wilt not suffer thy laws to be broken without divine resentment. If thou, Lord, shouldst mark and punish our iniquities, according to their desert, no flesh could stand before thee ; thy wrath would burn to the lowest hell."- Fifthly, If I adore the goodness of God, I say, " Thou art good, OLord, and dost good; thy tender mercies are over all thy works. 'Thy loving kindness is exceeding great, and thy compassions are new every morning. How gracious is our God, and how rich in mercy to all that call upon him f Thou art a God hearing prayer, therefore we come to thee in all our dis- tresses. As a father pitieth his children, so thou pitiest them that fear thee. Thou art long-sufferingand slow to anger, and there is hope offorgiveness with thee." S. Q. You have given a good account, how God must be adored on the account of his glorious nature and attributes: Tell me now in what manner you would adore him on the ac- count of his works. A. By speaking honourably of him, be- cause of his works of creation, providence andgrace, in our ad- dresses to him. 9: Q, Will you give me some instances of this also ? A. First, If I adore God for his works of creation, I say, " Thou, OLord, hast formed the heavens and the earth, and all things that are in them. Thoudidst bring all things out of nothingby the word of thy mouth. Thou hast created all thingsby Jesus Christ thy Son. 'Thou hast made and fashioned me by thy power, and formed inc for thy service. Thou hast made the sun to give light by day, and the moon and stars to relieve the darkness of the night." Secondly, If I adore God for his works of providence, I say, "Thy wise and powerful providence preserves and governs all the works of thy hands. Thou rulest in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. Thou providest all things necessary for our life and sup- port. Wise and righteous are all thy ways, though they are above our reach." Thirdly, If I adore God for the works of his grace, I do it in this manner : " Though thou beholdest all the offences, and the provoking crimes of mankind, yet thou' hast withheld thy vengeance, and manifested thy grace. IIow wonderful is that love of thine, which sent thy own Son, to save a lóst and miserable world ! How many thousand sinners hast- thou pardoned, and there is yet more pardoning mercy to be found with thee ! How glorious is the grace which thou hast offered, in thy gospel, to creatures who had affronted thee by many rebellions ! how long has thy love waited upon us, while