PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. 329 We have continued in our iniquities ! Thou hast provided a rich salvation, and a thousand blessings, and put them into the hands of Jesus our Saviour, that he might distribute them to such un- worthy creatures as we. What tongues of men or angels can adore thee answerable to such mercy. Note, There are several more particulars on the account of which God may be adored, such as his eternity, his unchangea- hleness, his faithfulness, his covenant of grace, his promises, &c. But these are sufficient for a pattern of adoration. 10. Q. What is the third part of prayer, or confession.? A. It is an acknowledgment that we are not only mean and inconsi- derable creatures in his sight, but that we are also guilty sinners, and that therefore we deserve punishment, and not blessings, at the hands of God. 11. Q. In what manner may children confess their mean- ness as creatures ? A. In such expressions as these, " Lord, my original is from the dust of the earth, and I am not worthy to lift up my face toward heaven. I am but a child, and know little of thee, and can do but little for thee. I deserve nothing at thy hands, I can only cry for thy free favour and blessing." 12. Q. How are we to confess our sins ? A. First, In ge. neral, thus, " We are born in sin, and we have too long lived in it. Our iniquities are many, though our years are few. Our transgressions witness against us, OGod, they are more than we can number : We have sinned always against a gracious God, and we have sinned tòo often against the light of our conscience, I have deserved that thy anger should fall heavy on me,because of my manifold offences. I am a sinful creature both by nature and by practice : I have broken thy holy commands in thought, word and deed, and therefore I have .deserved death and hell. Shouldst thou have punished me for ever, thouwouldst have been ever righteous, but I must have been miserable without hope. I can never make any recompence to God, for all the dishonours I have done him, therefore I lie at the foot of his mercy."Se- condly, Wemay make particular confessions of sins that we have committed, of our carelessness or neglect of duties, and of the particular aggravations of our crimes, as being done against knowledge, against many warnings, 8F. 13, Q. What do you mean by petition, which its the fourth part of prayer? A. To make a petition to God, is to ask him for mercies, either, for soul or for body, for . ourselves or for others. 14. Q. What mercies do you want for your soul, whichare called spiritual blessings ? A. " I- want a saving knowledge of God the Father, and true faith in his Son Jesus Christ the Sa- viour. 1 want true repentance, and to have m}heart made sin- cerely sorry for all my offences. I want pardon of sin, and to VoL, v, y