Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

334 PRAYERS rot CHILDREN. larly, because I endeavoured to contrive every thing in them in the shortest manner. Note 2. In the prayers for youth I `have left out the sixth part of prayer which is called self- dedicationor resignation 3 partly because few children are come so far in the practice of religion, and partly because I would shorten every thing as far as possible. Under the head of pleading, also, I have mentioned no other argument, but that of the name and merit of Christ. Note 3. After the prayers for young persons, I have particularly shewn how to change the methods of prayer, and to dispose the several parts of this duty into a variety of forms. Having laid down so many directions relating to prayer in the foregoingcatechism, I proceed now to furnish the pious and well inclined youth, with some examples of the practice. Prayers for Youth of Ten or Twelve Years of Age. The Youth's Morning Prayer. Invocation, Blessed God, my heavenly Father. Adoration. It was thy power that formed me at first, and thy goodness has preserved me, all my life, to this morning. Confession. I confess, I am a sinful child ; I know but little of thee, and can dobut little for thee,; and though I was given up to thee betimes, even from my infancy* ; yet I have done much against thee in breaking thy commandments in my thoughts, my words, and my actions. Petitions, 1. Have mercy upon me, O most gracious God, and forgive me freely, all my sins and follies. Let thy holy Spirit teach me to know thee better ; and turn my heart entirely to God in my younger years, that I may not grow old in sin. Help me, to obey all thy commands, to fear thy threatenings, to trust in thy promises, and hope in thy mercy as it is revealed to us through Christ Jesus in the gospel.-2. Make' me able and willing to learn and remember the things that are taught the ;, nor let me spend my time in sport and trifling, when I should be better employed.-3. Let me be careful to tell the truth always, and abhor lying. Suffer not my lips to speak evil of others, nor my heart to wish any mischief to them, nor my hands to do them injury. -4. Keepme from wicked companions, that I may not 'learn any of their sinful ways : For I would fear to say or to do any thing that may displease thee. -5. Provide for me, O Lord, food and raiment ; bestow on me, daily all the good things that 1 want, and save me from evils of everykind.-6. But if thou sendest sickness, pain, or sorrow upon me, enable me to bear it with patience, and to repent of my sins, which have made God angry withme. 7. And though I am young, let me so think ofdying, as to prepare for it every day of my life, that * This sentence may most properly be used, by those children, who were devoted and given up to God by their parents, inchristian baptism in their infancy.