PRAYEtt3 FOR cuIaoxrx. $35 T may stand before the judgment seat of Christ with good hope, when he calls me to account for what I have done. -5. Bless all our rulers, that the wholenation may be happy under their care. Bless my parents and teachers ; help me to obey them chearfully in what they command, and submit to themwhen they reprove ane. tl. I)o good to all my relations, make themwise and 'hap- py; and let me spew my love to all persons, bydoing to:them, as I would have them to do to me. Thanksgiving. Accept my sincere and humble thanks, O Lord, for all thy works of mercy, towards the children of men. I desire to praise thee, for sending thy Son Jesus Christ to save .us, and for all the promises of thy grace, which are written in thy gospel. I thank thee, particularly for all the mercies I have reèeived, since I was born ; that I was brought up in the knowledge of the true religion ; that I have enjoyed so much health and comfort in this world, and that thou hast let no evil befal me this night, but hast caused me to sleep and awake in peace. Pleading in the name of Christ. Though I have sinned, and havé not deserved thy love, yet I entreat thee to remember svlutt thy dear Son 'Jesus Christ has done, and what he has suf- fered for such sinful creatures as I am. Love and save me, O God, for his sake ; .carry me through this world safely, and bringme hereafter to that blessed world where he is. Doxology or hlessing. Now to the great and glorious God our Father, our Saviour, and our Sanctifier, be honour and braise to all eternity. Amen. Or thus: To God the Father, to his Son and his holy Spirit be praise and glory for ever. Amen. Or thus more at large: Now to God the Father who made us at first, to the :Son of God, who died to save us from hell, and to the Spirit of God who maketh us fit for heaven, ,let all honour, praise and obedience be given 'here and hereafter. Amen. The Youth's Evening Prayer. Invocation. Most high and most holy God. Adoration. Thou dwellest in the upper world, where there i no night, but thou seest us in the dark, and knowest all things : Thou lovest the children, that serve thee and pray to thee; but thou art angry with them, thatforget God, and prac- tise iniquity. Confession. I would be grieved for every thing I have spo. ken or done to offend thee this day or all my life ; and yet I find myself so'ready to offend thee every day, that I am angry with myself, and am ashamed before thee. s Petitions I. Lord, pardon all my sins, and send me not to hell for them; but give me more knowledge and more grace,