$12 )'rAYErtl' FOR CIILDREV. any only and my all-sufficient Saviour, to deliver me both froth sin and from hell, and to bring me safe to his heavenly kindom. 4. Form my soul, O Lord, after thy holy image, which was lost by the sin of, my first parents. Rectify all the irregular incli- nations that are within me. Keep me from the power of unruly appetites, and from sudden and ungovernable passions of every kind. Helpme to set a constant watch over all my senses, and the wandering imaginations of my heart. Suppress all undue resentments of whatsoever injuries I meet with : Let such a meekand serene temper be wrought in me, as appeared in nay blessed Saviour here on earth, for I would fain be like him, and imitate his holypattern. Kindle in my soul, such a pious flame of love to God, and charity towards men, that I may make it any delight to do good to all, even to those who have done me hurt. But let my love, in a special manner, go out toward all those who bear thy image, and who love Jesus thy Son, whatso- ever lesser differencesof party, opinion or interest may be be- tween us. -5. And as I entreat thy grace to guard me, from all youthful lusts, by its inward influences, so let thy kind provi- dence secure me from the snares and temptations of this vain world, and from the daily occasions of sin, that iniquity mayne- ver get the victory over me. And if at any time, 1 am more exposed to special dangers, in the circumstances of my life, the more let me experience the present aidsof thy special grace, that I may be preserved from the defilements of the age and place where I dwell : Suffer me not to be led away, by evil compa- nions, to forsake the paths of truth and 'godliness; nor let me ever be afraid or ashamed to profess myself a worshipper of God, and a believer in Jesus.-6. Let health and peace be con- tinued to me this clay, and no evil occurrence attend me. Direct and incline my heart to employ every hour of my time aright, andenable me so to fulfil my various duties to God and man, that I may in some measure approve myself, inthe evening, to the enquiries of my own conscience, and be approved by thee, my Judge, at the last day. 7. When thou seest it needful to correct me, Omy God, let it be done in measure and in mercy, and let the fruit and effect thereof be to take away my sins, and tolnake me partaker of thy holiness. Resignation. I resign myself up entirely to thy good plea- sure, and to the conduct of thy wisdom, according to the cove- nant of thy grace. I desire to be thine in life and death, and in in the world to come for ever. Petitionsfor others: .1. Nor would I pray for myself only, but for all men, as thou hast taught me. Enlighten the` whole earth with the light of thy gospel : Deliver those that are per- secuted for righteousness sake, from the hands of those that hate them, and let the spirit of persecution be rooted out from